Ryan Reynolds in the Green Lantern Suit

We now get our first look at Ryan Reynolds (mostly) in his set costume for Green Lantern.

I say mostly in part because he is half out of the body clinging outfit, but also in part because as reported, Reynolds will not be wearing the classic green tights, and that the suit itself will be added with CG in post.

So maybe its mostly for the ladies to see Reynolds in spandex, but it also confirms the “no suit” story we heard a while back.


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14 thoughts on “Ryan Reynolds in the Green Lantern Suit

  1. A puppy and Ryan Reynolds, so much cute! Can I take them home?

    With CGI being what it is, I don’t worry the suit will look fine. I just hope the script matches the effects.

  2. I don’t understand why they are going with no actual suit. That’s like not having Superman in his suit. I get the whole green aura that surrounds him when he’s using the ring, but I think this is a mistake.

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