First Look at Bumblebee from Transformers 3

We have seen some glimpses of a more modest and maturing Megan Fox on the set of Transformers 3, but she’s not the only one to get an upgraded model. Seems our favourite Guardian bot Bumblebee will also be getting an upgrade in the form of the new concept Camero. It isn’t much different, but this is how Bumblebee will look in the next film.

I still liked the classic roughed up looking 80s Camero. It had so much character and personality. But its hard to argue with that hot shiny sports car.


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9 thoughts on “First Look at Bumblebee from Transformers 3

    1. Though it might look like the V6 model, I assure you the cybertronian engine found inside is not limited by the V6s horsepower.

      Nor can the weak V6 transform into a 20ft tall robot.

      1. There are other pics of Megan Fox standing near the car too. Did they have that at your car show?

        This is on set of Transformers 3 and is the actual car being used to represent Bumblebee.

  1. There have also been pics of Optimus Prime, Ratchet, and Iron Hide as well. Prime looks almost the exact same, except his iron smoke stacks are shorter, Iron hide is the exact same, and Ratchet is the same except he’s now puke green instead of yellow.

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