Lucasfilm to Develop Star Wars Animated Sit-Com

Lucas is at it again, this time pimping out the Star Wars universe as what they are calling an “Animated Sit-Com” set in the canon of the Star Wars Universe.

Fused Film shares:

Lucasfilm announced Monday that they’re developing an animated Star Wars sitcom.

Seth Green (creator of 2 hilarious Robot Chicken Star Wars specials so far) is the creative consultant on the project and seems optimistic:

“Let us assure you this isn’t going to suck as much as you think it is. We can’t guarantee its excellence, but we’re swinging by the fences.”

So far we know it will not be a sketch comedy show like Robot Chicken, and it’s not a spoof. Robot Chicken creator/exec producer Matt Senreich said it will be a story comedy and “character driven.” It may include crossover appearances from the movie characters but as of now no crossovers with the hit Star Wars: The Clone Wars series are planned.

While I will have to wait and see how this turns out before I jump to any conclusions, I have to say I am not all that eager to see wacky animated comedy done in the Star Wars universe canon. Maybe it will rock. I didn’t think I was going to like Transformers Animated and I was all over that.

We will have to wait and see.

My biggest fuss about this is that he is developing yet another TV property and while the promised Live Action Drama series remains “in development”

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16 thoughts on “Lucasfilm to Develop Star Wars Animated Sit-Com

  1. Damn it Lucas! Let it die already! Haven’t you already done enough damage with the crappy prequels and that new animated series? Try this: Do the fifth Indiana Jones movie like you’re supposed to, and then do that Red Tails movie you were talking about, and take Star Wars off the life support machine already!

  2. “My biggest fuss about this is that he is developing yet another TV property and while the promised Live Action Drama series remains “in development””

    Same here Rodney, same here. It’ll be sad to see this show on the air well before the Live Action series.

    I can’t see how this show is going to work anyway though. Star Wars is a Sci-Fi action drama, with comedy thrown in, not the other way around. I mean, I can see this being a great comedy series, if it’s like Star Wars mixed with Adult Swim like comedy or just really good light comedy. But NOT to mix it with any previous Star Wars series or the movies. Otherwise, it just seems stupid and nothing more than another cash cow for Lucas.

    I would think Seth Green would have more respect for Star Wars then this. I mean, I know Lucas doesn’t. But maybe since he doesn’t, no one else it suppose to either?

    What’s next, a Star Wars for babies series, called Star Wars Brats, that will tell the story of what happened between episodes V and VI, but on a toddler’s level? Hell, why not a high school Star Wars teen drama? Call it Growing Up Jedi…

      1. *Bashes head against keyboard*

        REALLY?! That’s just sad and frustrating beyond words. And how did I miss that one?

        This should be the in the first episode for a new TV series about how bad jokes turn out to be bad reality.

  3. Even if this would be the most amazingly hip and well done show possible (and I don’t at all think it will turn out that well), I think this is a horrendous idea. The Star Wars franchise just continues to be cheapened, one huge mistake after another. If George Lucas wants to save it, he ought to turn it over to a new generation who have passion for it, give them some creative license and tell them to move the story forward. The prequels, in hindsight, were a bad idea. Maybe, under the right hands, they could have turned out great, but now we’ll truly never know. All that said, what this news confirms is that George Lucas’s circle is now complete, he was once the “Jedi” that inspired generations to new heights of imagination and is now the “Sith” who’s destroyed it with his corporate greed and complete lack of care for what was something so beloved by so many.

  4. Sith, Sith, Sith, Sith, Manly Siiiiith, ooo oooo ooooo ooo ooo oooo ooooo.

    Lucas must be running out of money again. Star Wars with a laugh track and two camera set-up? Fonzie would roll in his grave. If he was dead. Which he’s not.

    1. Running out of money? Doubtful.

      This is Lucas’ baby and he just loves to play with it. Ultimately its all about money, but Lucas will be pimping Star Wars products til the day he dies.

    2. He’s not running out of money. He might be running out of ways to get new money coming in (as in growth of the bottom line rather just having a large stagnant bottom line).

  5. I suddenly have a picture of young Luke and Leia sitting on a couch with a Darth Vader voiceover saying, “kids, this is the story of how I met your mother..”

  6. I’m a member of what seems to be a rare breed of Star Wars fan in that I say the more the merrier! I don’t care if it sucks or not, i just want more and more star wars.

    Same with ghostbusters. More and more ghostbusters please. So when [if] the third movie gets made…I’m still gonna watch it 1,000 times if it sucks or not.

  7. Could be good but I’m unsure as of right now. Then again, I didn’t think Clone Wars was good at first either and now its one of my favorite shows.

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