Meyer to Publish New Twilight Novella

Just when you thought Stephanie Meyer was done writing Twilight, she has put pen to page again, this time to write a mini story within the story.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.

This novella will revolve around Bree, one of the newborn Vampires we briefly meet in Elipse as part of Victoria’s army. Giving us a behind the scenes look at Bree’s life, turning to a vampire, and being trained and lead into Victoria’s gang before being lead to the slaughter at the hands of a Wolf or Cullen.

Myer’s own site says:

My publisher approached me with the idea of releasing the Bree story on its own. One of the major benefits of this plan was that it would be out before the movie, so people would get to know Bree before they saw her in the film. That made sense to me, and we decided to go ahead with it.

There was one thing I asked for: since this story had always been an extra for me, and was meant to be released with the Guide, I wanted to be able to offer it to my fans for free. You all have bought a ton of my books, and I wanted to give you this story as a gift. My publisher was awesome and embraced this idea. We still wanted to also produce a physical book with a cool cover (see below) that you can add to your set if you like, but starting at noon on June 7th until July 5th, it will also be available online at

And of course a dollar from the sale of the novella will go to the Red Cross, and the rest will go towards completing Meyer’s diamond studded swimming pool.

Jodelle Ferland will be playing Bree in the film. The petite 15 year old will surely give a haunting look at a child vampire.

I don’t think Meyer’s book The Host did as well as maybe she hoped (I am sure it sold plenty) but there is no eager movie deal lining up to score this author with a new franchise hit.

So why not publish more Twilight. The fanbase will eat it up!

Personally I think the world created in Twilight is very interesting and I would love to see it franchised out to different Authors to tell other stories that are no so emo-teen girl romance driven. There is a lot of potential for this to expand outside of its core romance story.

Political intrigue of the Volturi, rough inner city newborn gang stories, other Veggie tribes, shapeshifters vs real werewolves. So much potential.

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17 thoughts on “Meyer to Publish New Twilight Novella

  1. I absolutly agree that more books and/or movies are possible from this franchise. I found the world that the author created to be facinating, enough so that I could swim through the love story, which while not the worst or best i’ve ever read, still did not strike me as much as the possibilities. Book three has several scenes that flesh out the world system… i wait to see how many will be cut for the sake of time, that limiting factor that will forever render film infieror to that written word.

    1. The Twilight films have both done well in theaters, and the books sold tons before the movies came out and more after… so a novella that is part of the series? Yeah, its going to sell. Even if she is giving a digital copy away for free online.

  2. I admit the first Twilight was okay, haven’t seen the second.

    However the fans and the author have shown a lack of being anything more than mostly women with a fetish for shirtless guys.

    It annoys me.

    1. That is an over generalization that you make there.

      There are plenty of fans of the franchise who are not female or could care less if someone takes off their shirt.

      There was no shirtlessness in the film that wasn’t justified by plot.

  3. This book also helped the screen writer and actors who play the characters on Eclipse. Since the book is first person and the movies deviate from that, they used the book to help create the scenes for the new vampire army for the movie. This seems to me like movie related news.

  4. NOOOOOOOOO! KILL IT WITH FIRE! KILL IT WITH FIRE! Seriously, Stephanie Meyer, why write another Twilight novel when you already said that you were done with the series? Especially since the series is annoying as fuck. J.K. Rowling has already announced that she is done with Harry Potter, and so far, she has kept good to her word. Speaking of which, I wonder what she is going to do in the future? I’d like to see more from her.

    But anyway, no more Twilight. Seriously, it’s pissing me off.

    1. Honestly? Pissing you off?

      You know, most people can get by in the world by simply ignoring things that piss them off.

      You don’t have to read it, and you dont have to overreact to something you went out of YOUR way to take part in.

      I really don’t like onions. But despite others disagreeing with my tastes on the subject, and their constant presence in stores, burgers and most of my wife’s cooking, they still dont manage to piss me off.

      Might have something to do with that spine of mine.

    1. Because it relates to the movie, gives you insight into what has happened with Victoria in her absence in the film, and all through the eyes of one of her unfortunate pawns.

      It relates. I dont see how you can’t see that.

      1. Rodney, although i have always saluted your cool patience and lack of rage towards ra-tard comments.. and even envy it (i have no fuse at all)

        Sometimes I think some comments need to be ignored. I admire that you still have decent convos with trolls.

        Youre probably a good parent. When i have kids ill probably beat them.

    1. because twilight has dominated the film industry for the past two years, and it relates to the upcoming eclipse film. Also if it bugs you to read something like this don’t click the link.

      1. Well put. I was about to say pretty much the same thing until I noticed your reply.

        Some people just have to go out of their way to make a public display of their insecure nerd rage so that they have proof that they are not Twilight fans.

        Its sad really.

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