13 thoughts on “New Nightmare on Elm Street TV Spot

  1. Worst idea ever.
    The original worked for what reason? Anyone?
    It was ORIGINAL. We were creeped out at the very idea of what was going on…the following movies didn’t work nearly as well.

    We don’t need this film.

  2. “Maybe usher in an era of horror remakes that don’t suck?”

    Actually, I’m also crossing my fingers for ‘The Crazies’ next month, as well as the new ‘Elm Street’. But it seems ‘Elm Street’ has a bit more going for it since the update seems to want to add something to the table, and not just be a rehash of been there and done that.

    Even if Elm Street does well (or even Crazies) I don’t think it will open the door for more horror remakes that won’t suck- but it is possible either/or could help in getting more horror remakes getting either greenlit and/or get more momentum if already in development (such as Hellraiser, Child’s Play etc.)

    But I would like to see New Elm Street to raise the bar, just like the original did.

      1. I agree the Michael Bay Jason from a few years ago was awesome, i love the fact that the asian kid is in both of these. This looks much better than any of the original minus #1. Don’t get me wrong I love them all, all 7. But I would by no means call them good movies. This however looks like a genuinely good movie.

  3. I am sorry, but I just can’t get used to Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy. Englund IS Freddy Krueger, and I think it’s blasphemy to replace him. I also absolutely hate Freddy’s CGI-face.

    Having said that: I am pretty psyched to finally see a Nightmare film in the cinema.

    1. Change isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I would have preferred Englund as well, but Haley is definitely the next best thing. Who better to play a guy that someone who got an oscar nom playing a pedophile (given Krueger’s history). And believe it or not, that ISN’T CGI. That’s actual make up (courtesy of The Final Destination blu ray… although I can understand the rationale in NOT buying that movie).

    1. A lot of those though have come from people/sites that have been die-hard against this (And any horror remake) from the day it was announced so they come across as overly biased to the point where no matter how amazing it turns out, they’ll still say it sucks.

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