New Toy Story 3 Clip

We get to see a new toy “Mr. Pricklepants” played by Timothy Dalton as well as some previously unseen footage. Always been a big fan of Timothy Dalton, even dating back to his Flash Gordon days.

Looks like more of the same and that is a GOOD thing. How can you go wrong with the Toy Story franchise?

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7 thoughts on “New Toy Story 3 Clip

  1. Not that anyone will miss her, but where’s Bo Peep? It sucks enough that Jim Varney died. Why get rid of an animated character whose voice actress probably can’t get much work otherwise. Just let her pop up a couple times for the sake of continuity.

  2. They should have one of the toys be a transformer

    Not a copyright Hasbro TRANSFORMER (to avoid a lawsuit)

    Just a car that turns into a robot called “Chevytron” or something

    Thatd be gold…

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