Avatar too Exciting – Man Dies

Seems a doctor lays claim that the invigorating excitement caused by watching Avatar is responsible for a frail man’s stroke which lead to his death.

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A 42-year-old Taiwanese man died of a stroke, which his doctor claims was likely triggered by “over-excitement” from watching James Cameron’s Avatar in 3D. According to News.com.au, the man began to feel sick during a screening earlier this month and was taken to hospital.

Its a bit of a stretch, but still morbidly amusing that they would place this man in such a high risk that the amusement of watching a visually stimulating movie was enough to trigger the events that lead to his death.

I mean if we are going to set this chain off saying Avatar killed him, shouldn’t we also look at his history of high blood pressure? Perhaps we should they say that a pig killed him because he ate too much bacon? Or say his father killed him for handing down a genetic likelyhood to heart disease?

I find this kind of story interesting, but at the same time it is sensationalism that attaches a very small picture to a life of conditions that all lead to this unfortunate circumstance.

So yeah, the movie was so awesome it caused his head to explode. That’s what happened.

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19 thoughts on “Avatar too Exciting – Man Dies

  1. Personally, I think this is insane. I am not disrespecting the man, but I doubt Avatar killed him. I think 420BAND is right, the doctor shouldn’t even assume that, yet say it out loud. He might have just wanted attention, who knows?

    Avatar, should have definatly NOT have won the Golden Globes. There were so much better movies. Personally, I liked Inglorious Basterds.

  2. That’s a terrible thing. I agree that you can’t give Avatar credit. I’m sure Cameron loves this. Man was anyone else disappointed that it won the Golden Globe for best drama? Since it won, don’t you feel like Pocahontas got the shaft oh so many years ago?

    1. Mothers all over the U.S. were sueing Harry Potter because they found their daughters using the wands as dildos

      Then they showed the toy wands on an article, they were long and when you pressed the button, they lit up and vibrated

      I think the moms had a good point, but still.
      Im not making this up you can look it up

  3. Poor guy. Wow, he must of been just really weak. Or maybe he’s never seen a big effects film before and it surprised the crap out of him.

    The 3D version of Avatar did nothing for me personally, feel like I just wasted money and should of saw the normal version instead.

  4. This is the same thing they did with swine flu. People in poor health would get swine flu and they would say swine flu killed them, not their poor health.

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