The new Dreamworks animated supervillain film OoberMind has split hairs once more and will be tossing the Oober for a Mega.
The title OoberMind for no reason stated at all will now be called MegaMind
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Last night it was announced that Dreamworks Animation had signed a deal with video game company THQ. In the press release, a new name was listed for the upcoming 2010 superhero comedy Oobermind. The new title will be MegaMind, which off the bat is not only a lot easier to say, but gets the point across quicker.
I took it for granted that people understood the colloquial use of the German word Über (meaning “over and above”) It is used in English as a slang prefix suggesting something even more.
Could this by why they dropped the “Oober”? Did they think that people wouldn’t get the Über reference even though they phonetically dumbed it down (which I thought was deliciously ironic considering it referenced a supersmart villain)
It is just splitting hairs and in the end it will make no difference. But I would rather they gave a reason for changing the name instead of leaving us to speculate in the dark.