The Tooth Fairy Trailer Online

Dwayne Johnson is treading down a path I wish he wasn’t. I didn’t mind him in a few family friendly candy flicks. My kids love him. Hell, I love him. But I wonder where the balance is.

His newest flick takes Dwayne to the world of Hockey, where traditionally lost teeth are a stereotype and his character is a tough bruiser who has earned the nickname Tooth Fairy. When he crosses the line and violates a child’s innocence he is sentenced to spend time as the real Tooth Fairy.

If this sounds suspiciously like the plot of Tim Allen’s Santa Clause, I thought so too. Well it seems the director of Santa Clause 3 will be in charge of this mythical figure’s job replacement. While I didn’t like the third Santa Clause as much as the first two, there was a certain charm to the series that I hope Michael Lembeck can bring to this one too.

Despite its similarities, it doesn’t look like this will be tied to the Santa Clause franchise but maybe we can pretend that Roy, the Molinator just needed a vacation and Johnson is filling in.

After this I hope that Johnson signs on with something meatier and asskickier.

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8 thoughts on “The Tooth Fairy Trailer Online

  1. Hated wrestling since I found out (the hard way) it was FAKE! way back in the 80’s (broke my heart)
    and saw it silly after that….Andre the Giant forgive me!

    I like the “Rocks” movies and he’s got the skills in any department, comedy, action and even drama.
    but I also think these kiddie flicks are one too many (in a row) Escape from witch mountain had it’s moments but got tired pretty fast.Loved the RunDown with the buddy formula (worked great!) Walking Tall was good too. he brought back that action/comedy star from the 80’s very well. Now seems that he’s heading in Eddie Murphy territory and I dont like to see it..

    get back to Kicking Ass man!

  2. You’ve got to give “The Rock” thing up guys, I’m sure now you just wants to be known as Dwayne Johnson.

    I’m sure that’s the reason he’s doing all these kids movies. Maybe he’s trying to put the dirty wrestling figure to rest.

    1. The Rock became Dwayne Johnson when he was no longer associated with the WWE.

      He is still Dwayne Johnson, and I don’t mind him doing family friendly (he is good at it) but I’d like to see some of that other stuff too!

  3. He’s such a likable guy, but he hasn’t had much success with “serious” films. His kid movies seem to do well. I think I can understand why he would do a movie like this, but I wish he would do better.

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