Thor Casting Roundup

Thor is shaping up to have a solid confirmed cast, but after a few days of casting news buzzing around the intarweb about Robert De Niro and Jude Law being revealed by Matthias Schweighöfer in a German Magazine (that no one else has seen but a nameless scooper) and I realized there are a good handful of unconfirmed people attached to Thor.

Thankfully Filmschool Rejects gathered a list together that I have summarized here:

Dominic Cooper – He talked to Movieline this week, and it was revealed that he’s been studying for an audition for the film.
Potential Role: One of the “Warriors Three”

Matthias Schweighöfer, Who is only confirmed by a German issue of GQ which no one has seen yet.
Potential Role: Unknown

Robert De Niro and Jude Law, who’s names were dropped by Matthias Schweighöfer, which by association remains unconfirmed.
Potential Role: The other two “Warriors Three”

Stellan Skarsgard, the father of Alexander Skarsgard once considered for the title role.
Potential Role: Odin

Stan Lee, the co-creator of Thor has met and discussed a cameo, a general tradition of Marvel films.
Potential Role: Unknown Cameo

And of course we have the confirmed real cast:

* Chris Hemsworth as Thor
* Tom Hiddleston as Loki
* Natalie Portman as Jane Foster
* Jamie Alexander as Sif
* Colm Feore as (undisclosed)
* Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury (as part of his 9-picture deal with Marvel)

So there you have it.

Some people are talking like some of the above unconfirmed people are already a done deal, and while they may eventually be signed, as of right now they are not.

As soon as we get wind, rumoured or not we will yak about it here!

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9 thoughts on “Thor Casting Roundup

  1. Rod:
    Is the De Niro and J. Law part official? I really want them in this movie it would be awesome.

    I see that a lot of characters have been chosen, and THE WARRIORS THREE?? Im worried

    I really hope that they have the mythical creatures as well… i dont wanna see just Asgardians.

    Id rather see Ymir and Sulfir fight Thor then Loki.

    Monsters = Good
    Asgardians/humans = Okay, but not too many.

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