54 thoughts on “New Halloween 2 Trailer Online

  1. So what about Halloween III people (?) Should Zombie decide to make this, two interesting things come to my mind:
    1.) I would love to see him make up for the non-Myers 3rd verse by making a movie set in between II, and IV, maybe focusing in on how Jamie Lloyd came to even have a daughter, and maybe some more history on a plausible method of Myers finding out where to search for the daughter (rather than simply hearing it two minutes before being transferred from his ‘Psych-Ward prison’!) HAHHAHA.
    2.) One other story would be in following with the reboot remake movie we all love (wink wink) and going ahead and doing part III with the Silver Shamrock story.

    Any thoughts? I think if you’re a fan of Zombie’s versions, either one of the above could be sweet!


  2. The trailer is cool and makes me want to see it and hopefully other fans of the genre will want to see it as well. Can’t see it being popular with the masses but a few might come along for the ride.

    I like that we’re taking the newer monster or slasher movies and reworking them in different ways by new writers and directors like we continue to do with the likes of Dracula, The Wolfman and Frankenstein (to name a few). I wonder what some ones vision of Saw or The Mist will be like in 20 or 25 years? The only untouchable horror movie remake in my mind would be The Exorcist (1973).

    I just wonder if there could have been a more creative name for it to distinguish it from the original? Maybe something as simple as “Rob Zombies Halloween 2″… I Dunno? Cool stuff either way. Good day to be alive!

  3. Okay, instead of replying to everyone individually, I decided to throw down my gauntlet here. First things first.

    1. While the Halloween film series pre-Zombie did have some bright spots in it, usually those in Carpenter’s original or Steve Miner’s H20… once and for all, people the Halloween film series was crap. For H20 they even retconned 4,5 and 6. And Res? What a work of art that was- (ha!) even if Katee Sackoff had an early role there. So all this moaning about how Zombie “ruined” everything is a joke onto itself.

    2. I didn’t like the new Halloween much either. But it did what it was meant to do. Re-inject a little life into the property, get some new interest, and make a little profit on the side. As for the sequel, hey, it’s a horror genre. Show me a bogeyman who gets killed and stays that way, for better or worse. I’ll show you no sequel.

    3. “Horror” isn’t original anymore…remakes, sequels blah blah blah. I agree that there are are too many remakes, but that does not mean there is “always” a lack of original thought. We blame Zombie for taking a different approach, curse him, disown him. You or I may not agree with some of those choices, maybe they were not well executed. But I’ll give Zombie props for TRYING.

    I have little respect for remakes that just cash in on a name (Prom Night) without actually being a remake, or failing to know that the J-Horror yūrei may be fine in J-Horror, but when we get several J-Horrors remakes (sometimes with the same director) we get the J-ghosts (yūrei), over and over again. Thus, they wear out welcome.

    But what bothers me even more is that I hear these complaints over and over again. But do we actually support the lower budgeted horrors? Do we skip right over them? How about the horrors that aren’t remakes?

    Oh, the first “Saw”. That ‘sucked’.
    The ‘Ruins’? Killer vines-? Lame!
    The ‘Strangers’. That’s not horror.
    ‘Rogue’? The one with the killer man eatin’ Croc? That’s not horror!
    What’s that?
    ’30 Days Of Night’ No, Seeley, that doesn’t count

    “I haven’t seen any recent decent horror films”
    Let The Right One In
    NO! It doesn’t count! It was a foreign film, now being remade! awwwwwww!!!
    I’m tired of it already, in’tl friends. What the hell do you want?
    Originality, eh? What the hell is that?? Boy meets girl? Girl meets guy? Boy and his dog? What IS original, I ask you? Everyone has been done!

    Note: all those films I mentioned? I Loved them all. I even liked some of the recent remakes as well, such as Bloody Valentine.

    WHAT about some of the best sci-fi/horror remakes of the 80’s? The Thing? The Fly? WHAT about the parade of films that was influenced by Halloween and Hills Have Eyes? Were they all ripoffs too?

    1. the Halloween series was bad, that much is true. But the original Halloween is fantastic, one of the greatest and most important movies ever made. Zombie’s remake was pretty poopy. I hope this one is better

  4. Hey I know every thing about the 1978 Halloween and love it However I also Love the new Halloweens Because Rob Zombie did what he said he would do and made Mike a Badass again P.S. in the first R.Z. halloween he had a new opening 30-45 mins and then showed the classic mike stor this looks like hell be doing the same new 30-45 mins and classic mike story for the rest of the movie also at least with Rob Zombie you know the man loves The Mike Meyers and the horror genre in general so give it a chance people

    Uncle Jimmy out

  5. Horror is certainly not dead, its just that the studios are mishandeling the really good movies like Trick r Treat and Midnight Meat Train and just giving us all these remakes. A lot of good stuff is coming from other countries such as Inside, Martyrs, Let The Right One In, and Frontiers. If horror was really dead we wouldn’t have two major releases on the same day because the studios wouldn’t wanna risk losing money, but Since horror is doing so well they feel its worth the risk.

  6. i didnt mind the first one all that much, it was good, but when u put it up against the first one of course its going to suck, dont up it against any thing, keep it out there by itself and look at it as a single film and then give your critque, from what i learned from art class about critique, never compare it with another piece of art, becuz its not all going to be the same or how u would want it to be, thats what film making and art is all about, taking sum thing and adding to it, not to re-package, cuz we seen it before, any ways thats my view on it, sum of you may disagree but thats your god given right, im not here to sway moods or views, just sum thing to think over…..ne ways, l8r people, have yourselves a good one

  7. I thought the first one was terrible. However, I’m still somewhat excited to see this one, although I don’t like what I’m seeing in the preview about the ghost lady egging Mike on. Rob Zombie just made a lot of bad decisions on the last one. I liked Devil’s Rejects though, so I have some faith in him.

    One thing that’s a pet peeve of mine with the remakes (especially if they are entirely different movies) is that you have to clarify to someone what movie you’re talking about. You can’t just say you love Texas Chainsaw Massacre you have to clarify that it’s TCM(1974). Forget about it if you like one of the sequels, now there’s 2 separate sets!

  8. God, I really want them to NOT call this Halloween 2 UNLESS it is a remake of Halloween 2, even if it was, they still shouldn’t call it Halloween 11 or whatever it is so people would know not to care.

    Jason beats Michael Myers anyday and I would rather see another Friday the 13th, another one would make it the 13th movie and then they could stop.

  9. Guys and dolls was a good musical too, but because sinatra and brando were awesome. I also wanna see the new 8 1/2 remake with daniel day lewis, which is a musical as well. I’ll see this sequel just because I enjoyed zombie’s take on this franchise. My only complaint was that all the great build up and suspense of carpenter’s version was gone because he spent so much time on the backstory. Then, on the backstory, I actually enjoyed more because it was entertaining to see a fresh perspective on the root of his evil. That portion of the film I ended up liking more than the last 35 mins of him slaughtering people. I loved devils rejects and I think with that, zombie has proved to be growing into a decent filmmaker. I’ll give him a shot until he really disappoints, which he hasn’t, yet…

  10. I’m gonna have to agree with Kevin, Rob Zombie has said this(Halloween 2) will be closer to Devil’s Rejects as he’s using most of that crew. While I know there’s mixed reactions on Devil’s Rejects, I really enjoyed it and it kinda gives me hope for this one… though I really haven’t liked the whole homeless look thing for Myers. I’ll approach with optomistic caution.

  11. Okey back to the movie – I think this could really work for horror. The movie looks better than the Halloween remakes – Why ?

    Because Zombie finally put his Devil Rejects feeling to the movie, a nice seventy’s feeling. The music, houses and even the premise of the film looks more Film Noir than just a slasher.

    I think the movie is worth a 7/10, its just a reasonable horror movie [ at least better than The Final Destination [ lame title for a movie that over 10 years will be getting a part 5. ]

  12. From all the info that Zombie has said about the film, H2 is supposed to be a jump from the series. It’s not following any of the original Halloween 2 format, he wanted to make this his own film.

    If it is a completely different film then I am sure to enjoy it. Plus the cast is good & I think we need a good bigger then life horror film icon out there this year.

    Next year we’ll have the Nightmare reboot & who knows how that will turn out.?.?.

  13. Good call on Danielle Harris. To borrow a line from the remake of ‘Friday of the 13th,’ her nipples are perfectly symmetrical.

    Japan and Spain are rockin’ the horror scene pretty well. At some point we’ll be back in the game for stuff other than torture porn.

  14. At what point are people going to decide that these horror sequels and reboots are getting monotonous and redundant. Come up with something we haven’t seen before! I can’t remember the last time I saw a recent, decent, horror flick.

      1. Yeah, but then Aliens was released in 1986(two years later). Aliens was pretty wild.

        But I mean, recently? I think the horror genre, as well as the musical genre, is pretty much dead right now. If only someone would resuscitate both of them.

      2. Musicals dead? Really? If anything they have made a bigger comeback in the last 8 years than the last 50 years:

        High School Musical 1-3
        Mamma Mia
        Across the Universe
        Sweeney Todd
        Phantom of the Opera
        The Producers
        Moulin Rouge

        And a number of these were nominated (and won) for Academy Awards. Art is subjective and you may not like these musicals, but you cannot deny the musical has made a comeback in the last decade after being nearly dead for decades.

      3. Horrors arent “dead” but they havent made anything new in a WHILE.

        Musicals are not close to being done, but horror movies…theyre all the same..the Uninvited..the unborn…I havent seen the orphan and it already looks like a Omen ripoff.

        The last horror movie I saw that I truly thought was good was The Ring, and that was a Japanese movie.

      4. High School Musical 1-3 – Sucks. Ripoff. Scam.

        Mamma Mia – Based on an old stage production.

        Dreamgirls – Based on an old stage production.

        Enchanted – Isn’t strictly a musical. And if it is, it’s not a very good one.

        Across the Universe – Foreign

        Sweeney Todd – Based on an 80’s play.

        Fame – From the 1980’s.

        Phantom of the Opera – Based on an 80’s play.

        Rent – Stage adaptation.

        The Producers – Based on Brooks’ film from the late sixties.

        Hairspray – 1980’s remake.

        Chicago – Based on a 1970’s play of the same name.

        Moulin Rouge – Based on an opera.

        Yeah, you’re kind of making my point for me. Although, I guess you really could call it a “comeback”.

      5. The last horror films I saw recently was [REC] and the remake of Prom Night. [REC] rules and Prom Night Remake is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen.

        I think a lot of horror films don’t think. They don’t give the creativity and, quite frankly, the scares we need.

        As for Halloween, it should have NEVER been remade.

      6. Now, let’s look at some of the horror films that have been released over the past decade, shall we?

        The Ring – Remake of a Japanese horror.

        The Omen – Remake of a 1970’s film.

        SAW and sequels abounding.

        Texas Chainsaw Massacre – Remake of the 1970’s film.

        Okay, so maybe “dead” isn’t the perfect word for it. But while dozens of action flicks and dramas are released every year(some of which are definitely good), musicals and often horrors(not to mention ones that are actually good) can be a rarity. And they’re rarely original ones.

      7. And I wanna point one thing out

        Hey Jake, youre implying that everythings being remade or rebooted, adaptations et cetera

        I agree with you %100 but, i dont see why youre picking on Horror movies or Musicals…i mean, i cant name ANY KIND of movies that arent based on a book or a short film today….its on every genre that writters are lacking imagination. I mean…theyre trying to remake the 3 fucking stooges!

        Sure, Fame and Halloween arent “new” and “original”
        But that is NOT a horror movie thing, or a musical movie thing…all genres are displaying this

      8. (Sorry about the tri-comment)

        I said a long time ago about “Hollywood having no imagination”

        “I dont think you can say that yet…maybe on the day that they green light a Pac Man movie or if they remake 3 superhero movies in the same year, all of the superhero movies whos originals where released on that same decade”

        Well, Punisher War Zone and the Incredible Hulk last year.

        And, theyre making a Monopoly movie.

        So Hollywood isnt there YET. But ONE DAY, Theyll have that YEAR, that will have the F4, Daredevil and Blade Reboot theyve been talking about AND a riddiculous remake…like “Idiocracy: the remake”

        Its getting more and more ridiculous

      9. Midnight Meat Train was pretty damn good.

        @ Jake

        Uh, since when was Across the Universe a foreign film? Well, unless your nor from America, then I guess it is a foreign film.


        It joins Punisher War Zone and The Incredible Hulk!!

        That makes 3.

        It is official. Hollywood has no imagination.

        End of story.

      11. First of all you dismiss 5 original musicals because you don’t like them or they are “foreign” (HSM 1-3, Enchanted, Across the Universe) and then complain the other musicals are based on something else, the majority of which are not even previous movies but other mediums (stage musicals, plays, books etc)? What do you expect from the musical genre? The majority come from other source material:

        Singing in the Rain – loosely adapted from “Étoile sans lumière”
        West Side Story – based on Broadway play based on Romeo and Juliet
        Wizard of Oz – based on book
        Sound of Music – based on Broadway play based on Von Trapp biography
        Cabaret – based on Broadway play based on book “Berlin Stories”
        Mary Poppins – based on book
        A Star is Born – based on drama movie 17 years earlier
        My Fair Lady – based on stage musical
        An American in Paris – based on 1927 Gershwin orchestral piece
        Meet Me in St Louis – based on short stories from the New Yorker
        The King and I – based on stage musical based on book “Anna and the King of Siam”

        The entire genre is about adding music to stories based previous material. And any “original” musicals which are not can easily be dismissed in your fashion because they “suck”

  15. Like the reboot a lot more than the original, but being more tight with the funds these days means that this will probably go the way of the Netflix rentals.

  16. Ohhhh…the ONLY thing the first one was worth watching for was Danielle Harris naked… This one looks worse!!!

    Go buy your new action figure!! Michael Myers, Homeless attire!!

    1. This movie was dumb dumb dumb dumb. The first one was at least decent I liked it, but when Rob Zombie went and made this one it makes no sense. Michael Myers never ate dogs for one and when he killed someone by knife he sliced once not over and over, this was a disgrace to John Carpenter’s original Halloween movies. I think he needs to stick with his own warped mind and come up with his own movies and not use someone elses ideas. Oh and the ghostly mother coming to Michael ha that was from Friday the 13th good god.

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