Remember the best part about Grindhouse? You know, the incredible little fake trailers that played in between the two main features? Well pretty much universally most people seem to think that Machete, the one with Danny Trejo as a knife wielding Mexican harbinger of justice, was by far the best one… and I have to agree.
I remember how many people (including myself) were disappointed when they found out that it was just a FAKE trailer and not one for a real upcoming movie. Then the popularity of the short spurred rumors that Robert Rodriguez was actually going to shoot a full Machete movie! The people of the earth rejoiced… but then we really hadn’t heard anything else. Until now.
Apparently Danny Trejo revealed in Las Vegas that not only are they going to be shooting Machete… but that production starts in 5 weeks!
This is glorious news international friends. I suggest writing to your local governments demanding a national “Machete” day to honor its opening that all people might be free from the bonds of work to go and watch it!
If you missed it, here’s the fake Machete trailer from Grindhouse: