Great New Inglorious Basterds International Poster

When I first heard about Inglorious Basterds I thought to myself “ho hum”. For whatever reason it didn’t catch my interest. Hell… even after seeing the first trailer for the first time I didn’t think too much of it. But I’ve got to admit that the closer we get to the release of the movie the more and more excited I’m getting for it. I think Pitt is just a fantastic actor and seeing him in a role like this one should be very interesting. My one big hesitation is still Eli Roth, who I’ve never found be be even a half decent actor. But whatever.

A new international poster for Inglorious Basterds has hit the web… and I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite one of the bunch so far.


(source: Obsessed With Film)

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15 thoughts on “Great New Inglorious Basterds International Poster

  1. Guys, first contribution here (from France), even if I’ve been following the MovieBlog for a looong time.
    I saw Inglorious Basterds in Cannes and evilcat is right, this one is in the vein of Death Proof: not much action and lots of talkings (often useless, not serving the plot or anything, and without any kind of humor).
    I enjoyed the film (btw I liked Death Proof) but was a bit disappointed: not enough Basterds (so not so much violence or action – but it’s the real deal when it rarely happens) and way too much dialogues – fortunately good surprise, Christoph Waltz who has the leading role as col. Landa is awesome.
    I wish Tarantino put more Pitt, who’s also great when on screen.

  2. Word is that Pitt and his squad get about 20/30 mins screen time and the rest follows sassy-mouthed women… so it’s more Death Proof than Kill Bill Pt 1.

  3. i’m not saying it’s original because they’re killing Nazis. if you dumb a plot down like that you can mock the originality of any movie.

    the unit of the Basterds, the scalping, the characters. it’s all so fresh as opposed to the general “let’s fight the war” war movies.
    i’m not saying those are bad, Saving Private Ryan is one of the best movies i’ve ever seen.

  4. how could Inglorious Basterd not catch your eye?
    it’s possibly one of the most original ideas for a WWII movie around.

    as for the faces of Pitt and Roth, it’s the same faces we’ve seen in all their posters. i’m pretty sure the shoop’d Roth in from his single poster, or at least they may as well have.

    this poster comes off as kind of lazy to me. it’s too busy and if you ask me, looks really amateur.

    1. Original idea? Yeah, because never before in a WW2 movie have they ever thought of killing Nazis.

      There are a lot of WW2 movies that deal with how the war affected people and how individuals or small groups fought back. Just sayin.

  5. I can’t wait to see it, but I am a little hesitant. The film polarized critics at the Cannes film Festival. However, I’ve enjoyed all of Tarantino’s films (even Death Proof), so hopefully this one will be good too.

    1. Hey John A

      Wow… if all you see is floaty heads, then… wow.

      For me the poster is MADE by the expressions on Roth’s and Pitt’s faces. Something so fanatical, so evil… violence is about to be done, and they’re about to enjoy the hell out of it.

      But ok.. all you see if floaty heads. Fair enough I guess.

    2. Ah, someone hitching on the Floating Heads trend in movie posters. Shame he cannot properly identify when a head is floating.

      Sorry JohnA, all of those heads are firmly attached to people.

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