Bride Of Frankenstein In Development

There is something so appealing about the old monster movies. I mean, even though they are all made far before my time, I still feel a nostalgic connection to them. Maybe because I grew up prior to the CGI revolution and the true monster movies were those old classics that “modern” cinema was never able to compare to. Who knows?

I think that’s the main reason so many of us were excited about that train wreck “Van Helsing” when it was coming out. Dracula, Frankenstein, the wolfman… all in one movie! It was going to be awesome right? Ugggg.

Anyway, word has come out that another classic monster is getting made into a film. The Bride Of Frankenstein. Cinema Blend gives us this:

THR’s Risky Biz Blog is reporting that The Lucky One writer-director Neil Burger has been picked to write the screenplay, along with Dirk Wittenborn. Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini had previously been onboard, and planned to set the story in modern-day New York; apparently Burger won’t really be working with that concept. In the original 1935 Bride movie the titular character, played by Elsa Lanchester, wasn’t so much a main character as a plot device. But Burger seems to have bigger plans for the lady in white.

I love the idea, but I’m not sure how they do it without a Frankenstein movie first. I’m sure they’ve got a concept and I can’t wait to see what direction they take it in.


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6 thoughts on “Bride Of Frankenstein In Development

  1. “I love the idea, but I’m not sure how they do it without a Frankenstein movie first.”

    At first, I was going to point to a guilty pleasure of mine, 1985’s The Bride directed by Franc Roddam, starring Sting and Jennifer Beals. But then, I looked at my DVD again and while I liked Sting and Jennifer Beals….the subplot involving Frankenstien (Clancy Brown) at a traveling circus with his new pal (the late David Rappaport) was the real film.

    Could a new film be done without referencing the monster before? It’s possible, but talk about Franky has to crop up sooner or later.

  2. After the bad taste from the kenneth Brangh’s “sweatin’ Frankenstein”, I’m a little hesitant. If they keep it a period piece I’d be on-board–with caveats.
    1.) Re-do the original Frankenstein–but do it right..if possible.
    Still, these earlier films are so iconic I hate to think of them tainted. Hoping for the best on “The Wolfman” this December…..holding my breath in Winton!

  3. “I love the idea, but I’m not sure how they do it without a Frankenstein movie first.”

    Easy, no Frankenstein move necessary, in fact it would be silly at this point. It’s been done a thousand times and we all know the story. Even those less familiar know that a wack job put together a man from dead body parts, which is enough I think.

  4. bride of frankenstein is one of my all time favs ever.

    im always down for a new movie based on the frankenstein story.
    the remake/sequel/reboot’ thing doesnt bother me when it comes to frankenstein.
    now theres 3 franky movies coming up so im amped.

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