Watchtower Opening Credits

I decided to make myself my own Opening Credits for the (not yet/ever happening) Smallville Spinoff “Watchtower” … presuming this is what it might be like if they do it.

Inspired by the closing segment of Smallville s08e17 Hex. Chloe finds her purpose and initiates the Watchtower. The moment was geektastic, and I thought that it felt like it was teasing us for a spinoff. I speculated in that post that the segment almost felt like the opening credits of a spinoff show and I thought it would be neat to call it Watchtower.

I know the video is pretty crappy and the music doesn’t match (CW would pick something more Emo), but you get the idea.

I don’t profess to be a great editor, and I was limited with the music choices, I was just having a little fun with it.

What do you think. Should they spinoff the show into its own flavour of Justice League?

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8 thoughts on “Watchtower Opening Credits

  1. Hey Rodney:
    Not a bad little concept you came up with, now all you have to do is write a few scripts and try to sell it to Warner Brothers, at least it be more interesting then some of the garbage that’s currently on television.

    But honestly I’m really surprised some big wig, hasn’t green lit this concept or at least a Green Arrow Spin-off.

    Thank god the Graysons idea was scrapped altogether, I would have loved to have seen the young Bruce Wayne Chronicles however, especially after reading a leaked intial script of what would have been the pilot episode, too bad WB would have had a hit on their hands.

    1. WHY??

      So we can wait two seasons for it to be canceled because everyone has seen that same old story for the better part of a century of his stories being told?

      Funny that it will be someone JUST LIKE YOU who will say “there are no original ideas left” but someone does a speculative variant of the story and you cry that it should be retconned back to the same old Superman.

      It has a continuity. Its just not the comic book continuity.

    1. I’ve had this really decent video editing software on my computer for a while, and this is the first time I have done any real editing with it since last summer’s FanExpo video.

      It was fun.

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