Sam Raimi talks Spiderman 4

Sam Raimi hit the interview circuit and hit up a few places to talk about Spiderman 4. shares:

Raimi says that he and the production team are “in the earliest stages of working with the writer, trying to work out a story.” He added that they are just working on the fourth installment and not also a fifth film. Previous reports had claimed that Sony Pictures would be making the fourth and fifth movies at the same time, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.

The helmer said that they are closing in on Spider-Man’s adversary or adversaries for the fourth pic. “All the characters or villains or villains, whatever we decide to do will be from Stan Lee’s creations or those that came after him,” he said.

And will Kirsten Dunst return as Mary Jane Watson? If it was up to Raimi, definitely: “I’m hoping she’ll be in it and I’m planning on having a story with her in it… It wouldn’t be the Spider-Man series without her.”

I know everyone will land on Dunst returning as MJ. I really don’t mind her as Mary Jane, my concern with her is that they focus too much of the story on her. MJ in the books was the damsel in distress and some momentary distraction to ground Peter’s life with a romance. But as much as Spiderman’s story has always been about his struggle with his secret identity and trying to juggle his private life and still be the hero. Those are elements of his character, but they shoudln’t be the focal point.

Mary Jane is a fine addition to the series, they just need to redirect the focus away from emo-peter, and give us a Spiderman story with some side story, not all side story with a little Spiderman.

I suspect we will finally see the evolution of Dr Connors (mentioned more than once in the series) finally becoming the Lizard. Frankly I hope they stick to the Sinister Seven before resorting to some of the lesser known villains.

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55 thoughts on “Sam Raimi talks Spiderman 4

  1. real short 1)brock tells kassidy when locked up conners has a sample of his suit.
    2)spidey just caught kassidy during his killing spree and vows vengence.4) kassidy gets brock to help plan escape but crosses him at the end leaving brock behind 5) conners is working on sirum but gets infected wit bad sirum during kassidy’s visit
    6) black cat brought to start ahit between mj & spidey because its said spidey likes her and mj know’s it 7)brock senses his other is near because a piece of his suit was hiddin in his clothes in the evidence locker and finds its way to brock bingo venoms back.
    8) venom & spidey gotta to team to stop carnage & he some how stops lizard wit black cat help wat yall think, i should get a check for this

  2. If Spidey’s enemy was Jason Vorhees, Highlander, The Licker from Resident Evil or someone immortal like that then he’d have to kill ’em cuz it would be hard for them to die in an accident.

  3. “All of the examples where someone dies in a Spiderman film are usually the result of accident or circumstance. Spidey has never had to look someone in the eye and take their life to end their evil.”

    Exactly that’s my point, so I don’t know why someone would think I was “confusing” Spiderman with another superhero. I am merely saying I would like to see Spiderman forced into that choice, he has always had the advantage of not having to kill, and I think it would be great to see how he reacts in a kill or be killed situation against a bad guy, or in a situation where the only choice is to kill the bad guy.

  4. Yeah i agree that the focus of the story really needs to be spidey and not MJ and peter will they wont they ugh ><. I love the ending off the 2nd film because it apprantly resolves all the love story but then Spidey 3 came along… and please no more Aunt May speeches about what it takes it be a man/hero.

    Villain wise i always liked the Bruce Campbell for Mysterio rumour that was going around, doubt it will happen though so i guess The Lizard will be a factor in the next film.

  5. Someone commented that I was thinking of a different superhero, but I was not, let’s break it down….
    Spider Man 1-Ok he killed the guy who killed Uncle Ben, but he was pissed off, and not truly spider man yet so that doesn’t really count. He got out of the way of the Goblins glider which then killed the Goblin.
    Spider Man 2-Doc Ock sacrificed himself, Spidey did not kill him
    Spider Man 3-He let Sandman go, and tried to save Eddie Brock from the goblin bomb. Again, Spidey kills no bad guys.

    I am talking strictly about the movies, NOT the comics, so I am not “confusing” Spider Man with another superhero.

    1. Spidey never killed. There is a difference between killing and “not saving”

      All of the examples where someone dies in a Spiderman film are usually the result of accident or circumstance. Spidey has never had to look someone in the eye and take their life to end their evil.

  6. I think they should hire Derek Clem here instead of Raimi. It sounds way more insteresting than the first three films.

    Since it’s more about Peter than Spiderman then they shouldn’t call it Spiderman 4, they should call it “Peter Parker” or “Getting Even With Peter” or “Peter & Mary” (left out Paul).

    @ Mark Davidson

    I think there was enough dancing in the third film.

  7. Lizard is born. Destroys New York. Kraven Hears about it. Moves to New York to hunt Lizard. Spiderman has to save Conners from Kraven. Kraven Finds Spiderman a more worthy Hunt… I’ll let Raimi decide the Ending.

    1. i will take your idea
      and i will raise you:

      Venom goo finds lizard…lizard becomes venom lizard..venom lizard eats kraven and becomes one ultimate weapon of mass destruction

      spiderman has no choice but to team up with mysterio and hammerhead in order to defeat such powerful foe

      ends up accidentally killing MJ by throwing her off a bridge. Marries gwen stacy

      Baby spider-kids…


  8. I want these villains in the next spiderman movies…4 5 and 6

    Rhino (the one shown in ultimate spiderman)
    The Beetle

    In ultimate spiderman the beetle looked like a grey/red ironman…he looked …AWESOME

  9. I want to see Spiderman be forced to actually KILL a bad guy, because up to this point he has not, he has not been faced with a kill or be killed situation, he always gets off the killing hook. Despite the fact that #3 was the weakest of the series, I still got some enjoyment out of it, and I will be there for #4. Raimi gave us 2 great Spidey movies (IMO) and a mediocre 3rd so in my book he gets a pass for 3, just make sure #4 is kick ass.

  10. I just hope they finally work in some sort of sequence where MJ is caught in spidey’s web, moments from death, while spidey battles the bad dude. That would be cool.

    And dancing. We need to see spidey do some goth dancing. It would add a lot to the story.

  11. I’m pretty sure Sony is making this movie so the rights don’t revert back to Marvel, its a cash cow that they don’t want to relinquish. Thats why we can expect Ghoster Rider II, FF 3, Daredevil II.
    These studios would rathar release something that is garbage than lose the rights to these characters back to Marvel.

  12. While I think most want to see The Lizard, I was kind of hoping for the idea of Morbius…or perhaps the Smythes and thier Spider-Slayers.

    No matter.
    I’m in line.

    As for Dunst—-I’m in utter shock by the comments thus far. This has got to be the most love on her in any film blog, especially TMB, since the third film came out. Not that it’s a bad thing, people- keep it up! For a long stretch of time I thought I was a voice in the wilderness screaming “There’s nothing wrong with Dunst as MJ! There’s nothing wrong with Dunst as MJ!.

    However, I did concede that MJ being kidnapped a third time was a bit much. I thought if Venom/Brock should have went after anyone it should have been Gwen Stacey (He was a bit on the stalker side) AND MJ. MJ breaks free and tries to rescue Gwen. Or something other that just being a dame in distress.

    1. There are plenty of things wrong with Dunst as MJ. It’s not the worst casting choice ever, but it certainly isn’t the best, and there are many reasons why. Simply voicing,“There’s nothing wrong with Dunst as MJ!” over and over again won’t refute that.

  13. i dont think they should use the sinister six as villians b/c spiderman 3 had 3 villians and not enough story just think of how terrible the film would be w/ double the villians, unless they made a two part story to expand on the story instead of cluttering all the villians into a 2 hour film.

    1. NO rodney! you had a fucking badass idea!

      have ALL of the sinister six dudes in it!

      i agree, have the sinister six, that would be worth watching it 4 times or more

  14. Just don’t make a movie similar to Spidey 3. That movie was a joke, with the exception of a few scenes. After a Spidey 1 and 2 being really really good, 3 was almost laughable. Rami needs to return to good solid storytelling vs. self indulgent filmmaking.

    1. ABSOLUTELY. You are right on the money. Sam Raimi should have left the script to an actual screenwriter. I’m sure he had a great time writing it, but it was terribly unfaithful.

    2. Jake, how many movies do you have to write to be considered an “actual” screenwriter. With over 20 credits in professional productions I would wager that Raimi can be considered an ACTUAL writer.

    3. Actually, it’s around 15, all of which he actually co-wrote next to two or three other writers, and/or produced. As far as I can tell, Spiderman 3 was the closest thing to him actually writing a screenplay, and he even co-wrote that(though in this instance there was only one other writer instead of two or three.)

    4. IMDB lists 19 separate jobs, many of which are listings for a TV show, which he is credited for writing multiple episodes of.

      And collaborating on a job makes him less of a writer?

      He is still an “actual screenwriter”

    5. That’s what you’d call him? If someone asked you what Sam Raimi was, you’d say he was a screenwriter? I wouldn’t. I’d say he was a director and producer, and for the time being(not that I have anything against him) it looks as if things should stay that way. Though I guess we’ll have to see how the new Evil Dead and Drag Me To Hell turn out.

    6. I would call him a lot of things considering the roles he has been paid millions to perform in Hollywood.

      For the most part he does well, but one bad movie and the lemmings are ready to start a smear campaign.

      Seriously try to make sense before tossing out your insults on the guy.

  15. dunst is to MJ what holmes was to rachel dawes.
    she is a waste of screen time.
    i wish all superhero films would just pull out the love interests.
    i only one that i liked was lois lane in superman 1.

  16. I don’t understand why so many people hate Dunst. I thought she was fine as MJ. I agree with the post though; they need to focus more on Spiderman instead of the side stories of his life.

    I’m glad that Raimi is still on board. I trust his work from the last three movies.

  17. why they picked dunst for mary jane was always confusing to me, not only is she not pretty (imo anyway) she doesnt pull off the red headed look nor can she really act the mary jane part (although some of the blame falls on the writers as well). spiderman 2 hit all of its notes with me as i think it was the best of the series and for awhile the best comic book adaptation, if they can hit the same strides as 2 with doctor connors as the lizard then i would be happy.

    1. Yeah, Kirsten Dunst was terribly cast. She’s a good actress, but there’s probably one scene where she actually almost captures what MJ is like in the comic. She was mature and experienced to an extent, and waiting for Peter to grow up and tell her he loved her. The only scene in the first film in which this was exhibited was the scene in which MJ said, “See you round, Tiger”. Besides that…it’s almost hopeless. In fact, I would almost go so far as to say I would be delighted if they re-casted MJ. Again, it’s partly the writer of the first film’s fault, but still.

  18. Please no Kraven. I always HATED him in the comics and animated series. Such a boring villain.

    And I had absolutly no problems with how they handled Venom in Spider-Man 3. Of course though I’m one of the few people on Earth that actually loved it, lol.

  19. rodney
    i agree we dont need another film where MJ is bitching about her shitty acting career i would love to see the lizard would of loved to see carnage but not after the way the fucked venom and kraven the hunter would be nice villian to adapt

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