24 thoughts on “Harry Potter 6 Mini Teaser

  1. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and that was gay!!! And to the person who said it proves harry and dumbledore are in the movie…you are an idiot, of course they are….if you knew anything you would know that, seriously can you be that naive?
    But if anyone really cares the real trailer is supposed to come out with the mummy 3. That is Aug. 1st, that is in a week people….A WEEK!!!!!

  2. I am a Harry Potter fan, but the movies never follow the book and always mangle it so badly. It wouldn’t surprise me if the title and main characters were all it did get right.

  3. Okay, I guess I really like the Harry Potter movies, and I been looking forward to the release of the Movie for a long time, and they’ve kept us waiting for a trailer for a long time and this is what they give us. In all honesty, this trailer sucks. Give us a trailer like you did for Order of the Phoenix, give us some footage, and make it more than 20 seconds long, at least a minute would be nice. Also they could release an official movie poster, how bout doing that. Make a good trailer.

  4. @ Film, This is not the last chpater of the HP series. There is still book seven and that will be filmed and split into two separate movies.

    This …”teaser trailer” is fucking lame. It makes me a little glad I didn’t make the drive to see the TDK on IMAX. I’m a huge fan of the books/movies and I don’t understand why WB is taking their time to put together some solid promotion for this flick. Perhaps I’m too impatient, but is November really that far away in movie terms? I’m tired of the production photos – I want something more – and not some garbled audio clip with the title of the movie phasing into clarity. I can’t imagine that it took any longer than a few minutes to toss that stupid thing together.

  5. Why even release something like this ? This totally ruined the Harry Potter series. I thought they might come with something realy good since it will be the last part of the H P series.

  6. If I am not mistaking the very very first teaser trailer of The Dark Knight was the exact same thing. Graded it wasn’t 15 second but it too was just an audio poster. I think it lasted about a minute and it was just the batman logo exploding with audio clips from Alford, Bruce Wayne, and the Joker. These type of trailers I don’t thing are put out to make you go see it but to get you exited for the movie. To give you a very very slight taste to what is to come, like an “amuse bouche”. A WB movie comes out why not through out our next big movie that is coming out soon. We don’t have a “good” full trailer and or a “good” teaser to show the fan so we will show this one audio clip with the title. As a Potter fan I was exited to here about the teaser and all I was expecting was the short something with the title like this clip. So on one hand I am glad but at the same time I see eye to eye with all of you “If you not have anything good to show why show any thing at all.”

  7. I am a harry potter fan boy, and that was not satisfying on any level. why even put that shit together. take it back WB, give us an actual trailer ASAP!

  8. I don’t know if this was ever said on The Movie Blog, but I will say it to sum up my thoughts on this teaser…


    I’m no Harry Potter fan, but damn, that sucked. Not 1 picture was shown. Not even a release date! Do they really want to convince fans to bring their spoilers shirts…

    Oh, shit! To all Potter fans, get your earplugs ready. I think you’re in for Round 2 of drive-by spoilers.

  9. “Once again, I must ask too much of you, Harry.”

    Very bad sound quality. They couldn’t even get 15 seconds right.

    Man, WB – if you don’t have anything to show us, don’t show us anything at all.

  10. It shows us that both Harry Potter and Professor Dumbledore will be in the film. And it gives us the title. And we know it’ll be playing in imax theaters.


  11. Audio poster, I’d agree. It was best when they werent’ doing anything for The Dark Knight. This shows us absolutely NOTHING. Not even worth the 15 seconds it took.

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