It looks like a team up of epic proportions has come about with Werner Herzog and David Lynch! We get the scoop thanks to the caves of Yahoo:
Directors Werner Herzog and David Lynch are teaming for “My Son, My Son,” a horror-tinged murder drama based on a true story. Herzog and his longtime assistant director Herbert Golder co-wrote “Son,” loosely based on the true story of a San Diego man who acts out a Sophocles play in his mind and kills his mother with a sword.
The low-budget feature will flash back and forth from the murder scene to the disturbed man’s story. A guerrilla-style digital video shoot on location is tentatively set for March. Lynch is executive producing the project.
Werner Herzog was born to tell the story of a madman that kills his own mother with a sword. I am wondering what type of sword it will be. I’m hoping it’ s a family heirloom brought home from the great war. A sword with history behind it, and some rust on it, will make the murder all the more sinister.
Herzog is a man that wrestles his films into existance, and squeezes them for what he calls an ecstasy of truth. I am still trying to understand the full meaning of this statement; Herzog himself says it is hard to do with words. When Herzog talks about the need to see adequate images, he sounds more like a missionary than a filmmaker, his deep convictions force him onward and compel him to try and show us truth through pictures on the screen. He sees this as a necessity in a world where we are surrounded by falsehoods.
Werner Herzog is a man of conviction, talent and vision. I am forever in the debt of Jay Cheel for introducing me to his work; I now catch Herzog’s films whenever possible and dig for symbolism, and meaning, in the images. This is one to watch for – this is certain.