29 thoughts on “Great New Hulk Poster

  1. @Kristina

    “….If Dark Knight is the footlong dick of summer, Hulk is the ingrown penis.”

    Fine Kristina, you forgot to add your 2 cents regarding Iron Man.

    I’d like to know how his penis is shaping up? :)

  2. @Klendathu

    I guess you’re right, but sheesh, I don’t want to go see a movie about a guy moping about being able to smash the fuck outta anyone he doesn’t like.

    And it seems to me that Universal is very nervous about this film. I like my movies the way I like my men: confident as hell. It’s like Universal is ashamed of the film they have made. I don’t see this thing getting pushed like the other summer films, and I was Universal, I’d be pushing the fuck outta this thing to get people hyped for the movie. The trailer was ho-hum, this poster is dull, and buzz is bad. If Dark Knight is the footlong dick of summer, Hulk is the ingrown penis.

  3. Please tell me this is a fan made poster. It looks cheap as hell,

    Poor poster, I don’t understand the hype for this movie. My money is on it failing at the Box Office and getting piss poor reviews from critics.

    Yup, I just made that call.

  4. Ahhhh, that tickles the cockles of my blackened heart to see lil’ Eddie Norton walking with the Bill Bixby longface and tattered backsack. It would be even better if they could get the sad piano music, too.

  5. This poster reminds me of Aladdin where Gene is held captive by Jafar and is completely helpless to do anything about it and has given up all hope.

  6. I think this poster is fake, It far too lame to be real. I mean look at the back of the hulk the texture is so second rate a PSone game would look better.

  7. I love it a LOT better than the Hulk poster for the Ang Lee film, I’ll give them that. (and I liked that one, until they did a horrid rendition of it on the DVd cover, anyway) Also, while it does appear to give a nod to the TV show (not a bad thing) I’m also slightly reminded of the 60’s cartoon as well.

    It’s a double edged sword here, folks. One one hand, we have Iron Man, who some think is giving out too much, and here we have the Hulk, which folks bitch about not having enough.


  8. I can’t wait for the movie, the trailer rocks and this poster even does more for me.
    I like how Bruce is looking down looking kinda like the tv show, and then theres Hulk in the background. It’s simple and iconic, it shows you the main character and his other side too. Also the city, helicopters and tanks are cool!

  9. I was so excited last year to hear that Edward Norton was going to be in the new Hulk movie since he is my favorite actor but for some reason I just cant get excited about this movie. Neither the trailer or the poster do anything for me.

  10. I dont Know about this film anymore, I was really looking forward to it but I m not digging it anymore. The Hulk looks like a very Low level CGI model on this poster there’s just no style

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