33 thoughts on “Breaking News: Iron Man Trailer To Be Turned Into Full Length Iron Man Movie

  1. Brilliantly skewers the bread and butter of this site for sure. If we couldn’t drone on endlessly about how adaptations aren’t going to match up to the alleged genius of some 7th rate animated kiddie series from the 80’s or a comic book that less than .008% of the population even knew existed there’d be little to talk about here.

    The Onion rocks.

  2. I don’t know what the Onion was about (I do NOW, I goggled it), but even I could tell this was obviously a joke. I really can’t see how anyone could not understand that.

    Funny funny stuff, BTW.

    And Scott, I agree. it seems some people on this board live in that world. Hopefully the rest of us don’t get sucked through that portal.

  3. Are they insane? Everyone knows that film adaptations of trailers always suck because they don’t stay true to the character established in the trailer. They always change things around, add material not in the original…. such a waste of time. Greed. That’s what it is. This is the quintessential example of everything that’s wrong with Hollywood.

  4. umm this makes no sense to me…..they are saying they are going to make a movie out of the trailer…isnt the trailer already a movie that we havent seen yet….in the video they are saying wouldnt it be amazing to see those 3 second clips as full scenes…umm…watch the movie…i guess im stupid but i just dont get this

  5. Ok so it took me about 15-20 minutes to realize this was only a joke I was sitting there like.. WTF how could they make a trailer a movie?… thinking… and thinking.. and then I realized what was going on here.

  6. Have to watch it again for the crawls at the bottom.

    My favorite so far… “Yahoo tries to compete against Google by goggling “How to Compete against Google.”

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