Stallone’s Death Wish is On

A little while ago I posted about Stallone remaking a Charles Bronson classic called the Mechanic but now it looks like Stallone is on board for another better known Bronson hit, Death Wish.

Movies Online says:

According to IMDB Stallones Death Wish is a go. PopMatters talked to the writer of the original who did not exactly have nice things to say about the first film. He tells them quote:

“I’m curious to see what Stallone will do with it. I have no idea whether it’ll be successful at the box-office, but I have a feeling it’ll be a better film than the original was. The original Death Wish movie had enormous impact on people, but if you look at it as cinema, it’s woeful.”

I am pumped as anyone to see Death Wish remade by someone old enough to have gone to it the first time.

Will Stallone be starting a trend of older badass action stars?

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8 thoughts on “Stallone’s Death Wish is On

  1. HELL NO.

    The guy is having to use HGH just to keep his body so big. That shit isn’t natural. If Barry Bonds and all those baseball dudes are getting shit on for using it, why aren’t more people up in arms about Stallone using it, and publicly endorsing it. It just doesn’t seem right to me. He’s not a great actor, anyway. Just stop, man!

  2. I’m just glad he’s not doing the Mechanic, that’s one of my all time favs and should be left alone, unless they dry Jan Michael Vincent out and put him in it.

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