Aaron Eckhart Talks About Playing Two-Face!

Since ‘The Dark Knight’ release date is slowly but surely creeping upon us, there is finally being more information released about the ‘Two-Face’ villain. Aaron Eckhart recently talked with Wizard Magazine to confirm some much speculated rumors spread over the net.

Cinematical gives us these details:

He does confirm what the Internet knew all along — Harvey will become Two-Face during the course of The Dark Knight. But my feeling from this interview is that Two-Face might be the villain left standing by film’s end. Nothing here confirms those early rumors that, despite all we’ve seen of the Joker thus far, Two-Face is actually the main villain of this film.

Last weekend, I was actually having a discussion with my brother about this highly anticipated sequel. When I mentioned the ‘Two-Face’ character, he gave me a look as if I had two faces. He was completely shocked that ‘Two-Face’ was in the movie, and as much as I wanted to ask him if he’s been practising being an Amish man for the past year, I couldn’t blame him for his stunned reaction. This is because this character has been kept under wraps. Also, ‘The Joker’ character has taken much of the spotlight, which led the Two-Face character to be faded in the background.  However, I do believe this was the studio’s intentions all along.  Two-Face is reportedly supposed to be the main villain in the film, and since we already seen tons of pictures of The Joker, it leaves the public wanting more, and something they will be shocked to see Aaron Eckhart’s burned face.

Supposedly, there is a rumor going around that there will be a new trailer for the TDK that focuses on Two Face shown before 10,000 B.C. (which opens today) Is that rumor enough for you to go see the film?

Click HERE to read more of the exclusive interview Aaron Eckhart gives on becoming the legendary villain.

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28 thoughts on “Aaron Eckhart Talks About Playing Two-Face!

  1. The Joker is the greatest villain of all time along side Darth Vader. Two Face is bad ass but not as Fucking amazingly bad ass as the Joker the Joker wins. I think it will be like Batman Begins where at the end the Joker is told to be the next villain but you might get to see two face. I hope they bring back the Scare Crow good actor as wee saw in 28 days later.

  2. @serena
    shoot ok im sorry if i ruined it for you- just watch it its not that bad- i mean it was boring and the end wasnt great- just donty get ur hopes up on the hulk trailer(its my opinion- i didnt like it- u might)
    u kno what i think?? that when the movies that showed its trailers in 10000 bc starts WHILE 10000bc is still on theatres..theyll change that trailer with another one of a movie coming up- u know what i mean? maybe the hulk
    ive seen that happen before
    but the trailer for the movie that was the closest to this date on starting was like…freggin speed racer so that wont hapen unless 10000 bc stays on the big screen for like 2 months..which is unlikely to hapen

    but still have fun maybe youll like it and thats cool

    hey- im the same dude that hated the titanic while every1 else loved it ;)

  3. dude.
    ok guys if you wanted to watch 10000 bc because of the hulk and tdk trailer DONT- THEY DONT SHOW THEM.
    if you wanted to see it cuz u thought it was a good movie STOP DROP AND ROLL- WHATEVER YOU DO- DO NOT GO WATCH IT.
    ok just warnin ya…but u shoul dsee it urself..no hulk trailer..no tdk trailer..i almost walked out- then the movie started..and…it was like…bad man

  4. @Kristina

    Like I said the split personality has been a trait of Dent’s since before he got scarred up, he was just dealing with it it, with medication, therapy what have you. Having the acid thrown into his face is what brought it out, and well having acid thrown into your face, I’d say that’s some “traumatic shit.”

  5. Cool, but I still don’t get if he’s actually going to be scarred up by the acid or not. Is it just going to be some mental psychosis? He’d have to go through some traumatic shit in this film if he’s gonna end up with a spilt personality and have people buy it without laughing. I guess it’s best to just watch the damn movie when it’s released and then it’ll be crystal clear(hopefully).

  6. @Kristina

    What I got was they did takes of Eckhart as Dent and then as the Two-Face persona. I see a scenario for that, during a press conference someone asks something Dent doesn’t like and we’re shown the Two-Face answer in Dents head before the actual Dent answer. But that’s just how I think it’ll be done.

  7. maybe, two face is the main villian to be introduced while joker is the one that will compete batman, and maybe two face is the story, i mean what the hell we gonna hear from joker, that he;s crazy,

    DONT GET ME OR ANY BATMAN FANS WRONG, WE LOVE JOKER, HES THE REASON WHY BATMAN IS FAMOUS, but he could jsut be the entertainer, while Two face is a politics villian !

  8. @Grundy

    The way that CHUD describes it sounds weird as fuck to me. I know the guy’s a schizo, but I read that CHUD piece at least five times and still wasn’t completely clear as to what they were trying to describe.

  9. I think the CHUD info is spot on, and we’re going to see Dent switching between Harvey and Two-Face inwardly throughout the film. Notice that Eckhart did -not- answer straightforward the question of whether or not he is scarred in this film. I think it’s possible we’ll see the Two-Face makeup before that event, only it will be mental only on Dent’s part, and might well cover his whole face in shots where he is Two-Face. The scarring of the trauma is what will bring that personality fully to the foreground, and I hope it occurs toward the end of this film as that means Ledger will still be the one doing it as intended.

  10. hey dudes
    “”Nothing here confirms those early rumors that, despite all we’ve seen of the Joker thus far, Two-Face is actually the main villain of this film.””
    were are u geting thjat hes the main character guys?? if they show it in the 10000 bc trailer then ok but SO FAR we have gotten nothing thta leads to that idea

    and hes not the best 2 face out there godammit, good choice but they could have done so much better

  11. I don’t know what to say. I thought just like everyone else, that Joker was gonna be the main villain. I guess there marketing is just like Cloverfield was to an extent. I have faith in Nolan and I just know he won’t fuck it up. There were two villains in Batman Begins and the film still rocked. However, I don’t know if I’d be able to say the same thing though if there three villains in the film. Thank god that isn’t the case.

  12. i that hope the joker is the maine focous in the movie and throug in tow-face for two villions. I hope they use just harvey dent for the dark knight and hace him tow face for batman 3

  13. I was at the press screening in Salt Lake City, Utah on Wednesday of “10,000 B.C.” and The Dark Knight trailer shown was not new and did not have any Two Face images or scenes.

  14. I don’t think we’re going to see alot of Two-Face as such in this movie, I’m thinking that for the most part TDK will give the impression that Joker is the main villain (while Eckhart plays Dent) and when the transformation occurs then the tide’s will turn.

    I can’t wait, nothing in 2008 is anticipated more than The Dark Knight for me.

  15. naahhhhh!!!!!! That couldn’t be???? I’ve been waiting for this joker to appear on screen for ages!!! To dominate the movie and become the arch rival of Batman for years to come!!!! To kill to maim and ravage the people of Gotham. To become that insane pure evil character we’ve seen in the comics!! Bummmer!!!!

  16. Two-Face is reportedly supposed to be the main villain in the film?

    THAT was the only thing that surprised me, i knew he was going to appear in the film, but not that he was the main villain. im guessing altho the main plot is going to revolve around The Joker, Two-Face is going to be introduced, play a subtle part in the main plot, and then be the cliffhanger in the end.

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