Second Skin Trailer

This film is opening at SXSW MARCH 7, 2008 and it is certainly a documentary I want to check out. Massive Multiplayer Online Games are insanely fun and terribly addictive. When I first began playing Everquest – I lost months of my life; on a game that sucked. Being able to play a game with hundreds / thousands of other people is something that is riotous fun if you are into vids. It was only a matter of time before someone decided to do a documentary like this, and I look forward to reviewing it. Thanks to Alex at firstshowing for heads up on the trailer!

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9 thoughts on “Second Skin Trailer

  1. Oh forgot.
    I´ve been playing wow since beta, thats around 4-5 years, and all from hardcore to casual gaming, depending where in life i´ve been. If you are an official and can see my email, please send me an email, regardless if you have any info or not.
    Thanks beforehand

  2. Hello
    I´ve been waiting for this to reach Sweden for quite some time now. Allthough it seems no company is picking it up :( . And i realy want to see it. So do any of you have any information that suggest it to be released anytime soon in Sweden, hell i´d even order it on dvd if i have to. Any insights on this matter ?

  3. Honestly people… There are extremes in EVERYTHING. Who forced you to play? Comments like RICCI’s are a perfect example of someone who cannot control the extent to which they do anything. I wonder how many other “addictions” he/she has had to overcome, including misplaced apostrophes.

  4. I won’t say that mmorpg’s can’t become an addiction, as obviously they can. Yet the assumption that playing one is incompatible with a normal life is misguided as well. Certain games make this more difficult if they require large tracts of time to complete tasks(more than 2-3 hours), but its certainly not generally the case. I know a lot of people who play for a few hours in the evening during the week which is no better or worse than staring at the television from 8-bed every night. MMORPGs just have the potential to be more life sucking since there is more depth and also an element of human interaction.

    In the end the recent “epedemic” of gaming is a symptom of a much larger problem: life is often shitty and most of us are simply looking for diversions and things that make us feel good be it in film, television, games, drinking, whatever it might be.

  5. This looks great. I am not a gamer but I would be very interested to see a bit of the lives gamers live. I am so happy that documentaries have gone so viral. Film is a great way to distract us but it also can help us understand each other and the world around us. Documentaries are such an easy and accessible way for us to do that.

  6. mmorpg should be classed as an illness, FFXI took a couple years of my life from me :( trouble is, no matter what anyone says to you,until you quit of your own back and look at what you were, you dont realise what a fuckin joke you were, for playing these games.

    I will never again touch mmorpg’s.

    WOW youth destroyer, Everquest brain feltcher, final fantasy life taker.

    …anyone wanna buy a level 75 monk 75 ninja!!?? lol

  7. Doug and/or Gio:

    Should you get a chance to go to SXSW, you must stop in at the Driskill bar, eat at Jazz, have a few Subway sandwicches and buy apple juice and/or Jolt at the nearest party store.


    Because then you can say you stepped foot where the Seeler has stepped foot lol
    (I’m hoping to go to the AFF this year)

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