Estevez To Make Film About Hobos in Libraries

Estevez2-1Mr Estevez is going to be heading back into the Director’s chair; and this time he is tackling the issue of homelessness. We get the scoop form the caves of yahoo:

Emilio Estevez is filling out his library card for his next movie. Estevez is prepping “The Public,” a social drama set in a public library that he wrote and will direct as his follow-up to “Bobby,” his 2006 ensemble drama. “The Public” is loosely based on a Los Angeles Times op-ed piece written by Chip Ward, a retiring librarian in Salt Lake City, which discussed the epidemic issue of libraries becoming de facto shelters for the homeless and the mentally ill in light of many social program cuts.

The story takes place during the two coldest days of the year in Los Angeles, when the library is overwhelmed by people seeking shelter. After the library administration rebuffs one librarian’s attempts to keep the doors open, he stages an act of civil disobedience. He ends up dealing with the library’s new inhabitants, many of them mentally ill.

If you are going to fight for the plight of the homeless, I certainly would not use the homeless residents of California as an example. It’s warm here all year round; I know people with homes in Canada that would trade them for a life on the street in California. The closer you are to the equator, the less sorry I feel for your lack of a home. A life without responsibility on the pacific rim can be a good life indeed. When you take the cost of rent in LA into consideration, the homeless may be the wisest people in town -they read Walden and have taken the idea to the beach.

I think if I was homeless, I would spend most of my time at the beach. I would shower at the local YMCA around 11, then head to the library for a few hours and read some magazines and books. I would then spend the rest of the day shredding on the uke for handouts, and on occasion I may carve sculptures out of soap. If i had to sleep outside, I would try to find a regular location in which to crash. Maybe an old car that is no longer in use or a cube van if I got lucky. I would obtain a nickname like “The Marauder” as to make myself affable with the locals , I would wear an eagle skull necklace and grow my beard till I looked like a wizard. I would excel at being a hobo.

All joking aside – you do see a lot of homeless at the library. The library is one of the best places for anyone to spend their day if they have the time. Reading books is a worthwhile endeavor and a civilized society provides this service so the populous has a means to self educate. If you don’t have a job, there is no better way to spend your day empowering yourself than a life dedicated to study. I think it is unfortunate that people with disabilities are forced on the streets, but for those with sound mind I do not feel pity and do not judge – homelessness is a valid lifestyle choice. Our ancestors were hunter gatherers – the homeless are just old school.

I am interested in seeing which way Estevez goes with this film, and will hunt for further news.

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11 thoughts on “Estevez To Make Film About Hobos in Libraries

  1. Dude, I am sorry if the joke offended you. It was making fun of Canada more than it was of the homeless.

    If I had to think about everyone I would offend with a joke – none would ever get told. Comedy is born of tragedy.

    You need to consider my motive before you make it personal.

    I understand the price of rent here – that is why I called the homeless people the wisest in town (in the above post). If you were homeless and were able to overcome that setback, I applaud you.

  2. If you are going to fight for the plight of the homeless, I certainly would not use the homeless residents of California as an example.

    WEll in my opinion you are a jackass for your pathetic attempt of humor… bieng a homeless person for 2 years i think that your a tool….first off you freaks up north have free health care….have you ever tried to pan handle 5 bucks to ride the fucking bus to the hospitol to stand in line for 10 hours with strep thought and a flu…..just to be told that you dont have insurance so u will have to come back tomorrow …no dick wad fanboi….your a douch for making such a arrogant comment….its like saying why the fuck dont homeless canadiens just builed a fucking log cabin cause you guys are all logges with lots of tree’s……not to mention that to get into a apartment it costs around $3,000 ….do you know any homeless people with that kind of money……no u fuck head so go to hell and watch a bootleg movie and wack off to internet porn!

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