New ‘Sex and The City’ Poster!

It’s here! It’s finally here! The one sheet poster for the ‘Sex and the City’ movie has finally arrived!! gives us this poster:

I am probably one of the biggest fans of SATC out there, and I got to say, “What the f*ck is this?!?!”  This is honestly one of the worst posters I have ever seen!  Where are the other girls?  No wonder it took Kim Cattrall so long to reprise her role as ‘Samantha Jones.’ Sarah Jessica Parker is the only one who gets attention here! Also, what’s with that gay tagline?  They could have gone with things like, ‘The Cloverfield monster isn’t the only one taking over Manhattan‘ or ‘They’re Back….,‘ but ‘Get Carried Away?’  That is f*cking stupid and obviously shows there was no thought when it came to putting this poster together. 

The only way I will be happy with this half assed attempt for a poster, is if there are 3 other separate one sheet posters for each character. *sigh*

I won’t let this get me down though. It’s just a poster……right? :S

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18 thoughts on “New ‘Sex and The City’ Poster!

  1. Serena, I can agree its too easy of a tagline. But a show that is 5 years too late being made, I really don’t know what would be relative to today or get people excited about it again. To say “Sex in the City just got sexier” would be even worse! I am not an ad man or anything of that nature, but I might think of something like, “Forget a threesome, wanna do a foursome?” or “Mr. Big is back, and boy is he pissed!”

  2. hahaha. damn. if you’re that mad about, just imagine how the other actresses feel about it. Like WHAT THE FUCK, BITCH???!! We ALL made up this show. If it was just all about Carrie, it would SUCK!! I personally watched the show because Samantha’s escapades were funny as shit. I mean, I’m a guy and I had ZERO interest in that show until that one episode where samantha is finally about to fuck this guy that she actually really likes (which is VERY unusual for her) and then he puts it in and she couldn’t even feel him and she says “alright. put it in.” and he says “uugh! it is in.” He’s thrusting and grunting and gettin all into it and she’s just sitting there. hahahahaha. fuckin GREAT. But I won’t be caught DEAD checkin this movie out unless I’m takin my girl out to see it. I don’t wanna leave the theater havin a bunch gay guys hittin on me and shit. hahaha

  3. I’m not a fan of the show. I will watch half an episode when I’m bored…or watch as much until I find something better to watch. Anyway, when I do see the show, I like the dynamics of the group as a whole. If the show were just about Carrie B. I definitely would not watch it. Her character I find a bit boring. Since this is a movie, I do think that all four women should be on the cover to be fair.

  4. Am I crazy to think that anyone would be interested in this?
    Perhaps this film is 5 years too late, I don’t think people,er, Women and Gay Men care anymore.
    Then again, I’m neither of those, so what do I know.

  5. @ Amy,

    Very good comment! I too used to think the rest of the girls should get paid the same, because SJP was the only one who didn’t take as much risks (a.k.a NUDITY) as the rest of the cast. However, she is the executive producer of the show, so that would entitle her to a bigger paycheck. But, the reason the show was so popular was exactly what you said in your comments-the dynamics of the four. SATC fans know that the movie wouldn’t be made if all 4 key characters weren’t there. So there should be a poster showcasing ALL of them….not just Carrie.

  6. I think the show’s success was based on the relationship shared between the four woman. Considering Kim Cattrall had to shoulder the bulk of the full frontal nudity and actually put the “sex” in the “sex and the city” (SJP was the only actress who never showed even a single breast shot-who sleeps in a bra? Anyone?), she always should have been equally compensated. The poster is an example of shove-it-out-the-door PR. Let’s hope its poor design and execution is not indicative of the film on the whole.

  7. I am ok with the poster. Me as a graphic designer can see were some improvments can be made but remember this is a TEASER poster. I am sure there is more to come…. well lets hope. =D

  8. meh……weak poster for a weak movie based off a weak show……never did quite understand the appeal behind the show and dont know why they would make a movie…..

  9. Terrible poster. I’m working on a movie poster for class right now and this would be an example of a terrible terrible poster. WTF is up with the shadow? I can’t get past how bad that looks. Looks like no real thought was put behind this poster and it was done in photoshop in a minute probably. I cut out woman grayscaled with a a pink dress walking on a completely black background with a white horrible gradient shadow. Awful.

  10. I like the poster. But I agree it is too easy a tagline. I never understood Cattrall’s issue. The show has always been more about Sarah’s character, she does, after all, narrate the thing. The show slowly evolved to give the others more of a story line, but still, it was always about Carrie Bradshaw.

  11. I think the idea of the tagline, “Get Carried Away” is a play on words with Sarah Jessica Parker’s character Carrie, thus “Carried”. So as you say, it is all attention to SJP and not the other characters. Otherwise I thinks it decent looking poster. Better than most.

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