Sweeney Todd Getting Killer Reviews

StoddSome lucky industry hipsters have already had a peek at Sweeney Todd, and the word on the street is that it kicks ass. We get the skinny from the horse’s mouth via cinematical:

Several people who have attended the first critic’s screenings of Sweeney Todd — a.k.a., not me — are declaring themselves totally wowed, although they’re all bending over backwards to respect an embargo. Jeff Wells at Hollywood-Elsewhere was so impressed by the film that he declared Tim Burton’s decade-long decline to be now officially reversed. He also speculated that Sweeney Todd may be Burton’s best film since 1988’s Beetlejuice — high praise, indeed. Wells even goes a little overboard, stating that “at times it melted me like a candle. I was lifted, moved. I was never not aroused.”

Tom O’Neil at The Envelope starts his review thusly — “‘Sweeney Todd’ is the best pic of 2007” — pretty straightforward, no?

I love Tim Burton and look forward to everything he does. This film is certainly no exception. I am certainly tickled and pleased to hear whispers of greatness about the movie, and anxiously await my opportunity to see it.

Depp and Burton have a very long and glorious working relationship. It seems that whenever the name of Burton is mentioned, you wait to see if Depp will follow. The two work well and often together, and It is good news that they have forged a quality picture in Sweeney Todd. Depp and Burton are a timeless team that will go down in history as; Smith and Wesson, Protor and Gamble, Marijuana and Blowjobs, Whiskey and Regret, have before them.

I am wondering how much of the musical will be in the film. Generally I have a distaste for musicals, but on occasion one will punch through my crossed arms and warm the cockles of my heart. I wonder if Sweeney Todd will be another White Christmas for me.

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13 thoughts on “Sweeney Todd Getting Killer Reviews

  1. Don’t forget the fact this is based on a Broadway play. Do not think that Depp and Burton will ignore this. It is very faithful. If you don’t like musicals, there’s lots of gore and comedy to hold you over. If you do, the music is written by Sondheim. Don’t write it off, you might like it.

  2. I think Burton and Depp are both visionaries and great at what they do… that said, Tim Burton needs to change his personal filmic style. The dark, gothic styling, wacky hair and white pancake makeup is passe and may have been new & noteworthy with “Batman” and “Edward Scissorhands” some 15-20 years ago but since then we’ve also seen “Sleepy Hallow”.

    They need to continue to reinvent themselves instead of treading familiar waters repeatedly.

  3. Personally, I think Depp’s singing is pretty strong. I guess if he has one performance weakness, it would probably be singing, but that’s not really saying much.

    What concerns me much more is that no where in any of the clips or previews have we heard even a smattering of The Ballad of Sweeney Todd.

  4. @The Jim Walker

    When I saw American Gangster, the trailer played. My little sister HATES musicals, so I was waiting for the moment when Depp started to sing just to laugh at her reaction. She pitched forward with a look of utter DISGUST on her face. The guy sitting behind us said aloud, “Aw FUCK!”, and other people in the theater were chuckling at the screen. Personally, I don’t get why people hate musicals so much.

  5. I’m friends with a dude who works in a small, very popular indie music store here and he said the singing Depp does is amazing. I don’t know, I haven’t heard it yet but he’s jonesing for the soundtrack pretty hard.

    I’m a Burton fan so I’ll be looking forward to checking this movie out.

  6. I guess i would say that i am a Burton fan (for the most part), but even after i saw the early trailers fo rthis i havent been THAT excited about this film.

    Well, over the past two weeks, the trailr has been shown in fron of three diferent films that i went to see. In ALL THREE theaters while this trailer was on, people were actually laughing at it. (Like snickering and giggling) As if to say “Is this a REAL movie or some semi-musical joke? I think the part where Depp starts singing almost made me snicker.

    I will rpobably go see this film, but then again i see many films. I dont think they average movie-goer who gets out to see 5-6 films a year will even consider seeing this.

    I hope its good. And, if it is good, i hope it gets the audience it deserves.

  7. Wow, I actually didn’t see that one coming. Best movie of the year? We’ll see.
    The Burton/Depp team-up is always solid, though.
    What’s your favorite movie the guys did together folks?
    I’ll admit it’s SLEEPY HOLLOW, I really enjoyed that one and I loved Depp in that movie. Thinking about it, it’s probably my favorite Depp-performance. Oh no, wait. That title still belongs to FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEAGS.

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