Jack Nicholson says Smoking is Stupid

Jack Nicholson is about to appear in a movie with Morgan Freeman (who are both 70 now) about a pair of guys with a list of things they wanted to accomplish before they kick the bucket. Appropriately enough, the movie is called the Bucket List.

This of course is making Nicholson take account of his own life and considers how his pack a day habit just might have affected his health despite feeling good for his age.

This is North Scotland quotes Jack:

“It is not so much that you fear that moment when somebody comes in and says, ‘That’s it. You’re dead. You smoked too much,'” Jack tells the Los Angeles Times. “Well, that’s not the real fear. The real fear is going through now the process and thinking, ‘I’m dying of stupidity.'”

Now I am not going to go on some anti-smoking rant. Personally, I can’t see how people go out of their way to stink, but its their call. Not my business.

I just found it interesting to see someone who is such a hardass in his roles actually coming forward to say such a thing about themselves. It is refreshing but not unexpected from Jack who rarely bites his tongue.

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5 thoughts on “Jack Nicholson says Smoking is Stupid

  1. Smoking is one of those vices that I loved. For twenty years I smoked and loved every puff. Then B.W.E. got preggers and that was it. Time to quit. It is incredible how much our clothes stank and we never knew. The walls and curtains were stained with nicotine, thankfully not enough that we couldn’t wash them clean.

    I still miss smoking and cannot tell you why. Every once and a while I will have some crazy nic fit. But that is a monkey I would rather not have on my back anymore.

    At this point he might as well keep smoking.

  2. If he smokes at 70 its already to late, stopping now will have very little effect, aside from the initial benefits of ridding the body of carbon monoxide and the other chemicals. The damage to his lungs has already been done, and hes far to past it to repair the damage.

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