Lego Spoils Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

With the complete lack of info about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I managed to trip over this tidbit from IWatchStuff:

We’ve reached a new point of desperation for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull information. With no spy reports, stolen images, or script pages, we’ve turned to the Deepthroat of movie information, Lego, to provide us with cryptic clues in the names of their interlocking brick sets.

So among the vague bits of info we can gather from these sets include a Jungle Duel, a River Chase, a Jungle Cutter and a Temple of the Crystal Skull.

So hardly spoilers. A Jungle, River and the mysterious Crystal Skull will be in a Temple.

And that is all we have.

Michael Bay? Are you paying attention?? We are digging up news on LEGO releases to try and talk buzz about this movie. Get it?

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8 thoughts on “Lego Spoils Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

  1. Well hopefully this is a sign of exciting things to come in the new movie.

    A Jungle Duel and a River Chase sounds Temple of Doom-ish to me which would be pretty cool because I happen to love that movie.

    What’s a Jungle Cutter?

  2. They are making Lego Batman already set to release fall 2008. However im not sure how that game will play out. But i have many cool ideas for it that i hope will be in that game.

  3. Yea, I knew this game was gonna have some levels with the new movie in it. Just finished rented Lego Star Wars for the Wii and seen the trailer. It looks like much fun. I think Travler Tales (the developers that made the game) is the only company that knows how to make good movie based video games. Hold on…scratch that cause they made a dissapointing TRANSFORMERS game. So I guess the good at making Lego based movie games. hahahaha!

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