Is Sam Raimi Returning for ‘Spider Man 4?’

Sam-Raimi-Sm4-CrawlFor a while there, it was assumed that Sam Raimi would hand over his director throne to a new director for the popular ‘Spider-Man’ franchise, but it seems that the director has somewhat of a sentimental attachment to the series and “might” return to director the fourth installment. gives us this via Wizard:

Looking back, you’ve worked on Spider-Man in some way for nearly eight years. Has the excitement stayed with you?

RAIMI: I’m just as excited about the character, and so in that sense, yes. Although the physical energy level between how I felt before I started shooting versus what was left of me on the last day of photography, I was so exhausted at the end of “Spider-Man 3” I can’t tell you. My love for the characters and my passion for the stories are the same, but I was just a shell of the person that I was after all of those movies.

If you had to take a break and pick a director to replace you on the franchise, is there anyone at the top of your list?

RAIMI: Because I love Spider-Man I would just say—I don’t want to pick someone. I don’t know if I’ll be directing the picture or not, but I’d like to say that it would be somebody that was the best gift I could give to Spider-Man—someone who understands him and loves him and could bring his passion and love to the character. A character director probably; no one else.

Hmm…so will Sam Raimi be back to direct the next film? Personally, I would be happy to see Sam Raimi direct ‘Evil Dead 4’ instead of ‘Spiderman 4.’ Like he said in his interview, the man is TIRED and exhausted and it definitely showed in the last film. Take a break Sam! Go direct those horror movies you always produce! Horror fans miss you!

You can read the rest of the interview HERE

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22 thoughts on “Is Sam Raimi Returning for ‘Spider Man 4?’

  1. Oh yea what also didn’t make sense about spider-man 3 is that where the hell did that shooting star came from? there is no shooting star in NY! when venom is about to set foot in earth

  2. I think there should be a spider-man 4 because 1.the sand man is still alive connors is dreaming about having his arm someday which means he’ll inject the lizard and inject it to his arm to have an arm 3.There is still those people in the movie that wants revenge also i am thinking it should be in a trilogy because there is still more villians of spider-man and more stories and secrets such as vulture,shocker,carnage,electro,mysterio,rhino,calypso(it showed in spider-man 2 the game),lizard,black cat,puma,hunter,and more thugs and bad guys

  3. The person with the MOST blame for Shitty Spidey 4 is a-hole producer AVI ARAD! It was his idea to shove Venom down Raimi’s throat for the trilogy…but that’s another story.

    Raimi needs complete autonomy for directing if S4 is to be a hit.

    Once again Spidey 4 SUCKS!!!

  4. In all honesty,I think Raimi should go for a Spidey 4

    I know a lot of people didnt like Spiderman 3(personally I found it fairly entertaining;although I HATED the way they did Venom) but I think that he should be given the opportunity to redeem himself;and IF Raimi can bring back the magic in the first two films,a fourth film might just work.

  5. I would like Raimi back after he had a rest from the Spider-Man films. Spider-Man 3 was not what I wanted, too many things were wrong with it. That is not what I want for Spider-Man 4. If the man says he’s tired, then let him rest, because thats what you do when you’re tired. I’d rather have a new Spidey movie with new ideals and a new look than another train wreck destroying the Lizard character (if he is in it).

  6. @Kristina,

    I bought BOTH Death of Stacy’s and Birth of Venom paperbacks to get more familiar with them before the movie. I ended up really liking those arcs and got pumped for the movie. Everyone knows the rest.

    I mean, the trailers gave the same sense like those books I read, where you get that dreaded feeling something really bad will happen. Watching the movie, there was no sense of thrill. To sum it up, I wanted Venom to be like Goblin from Spidey I, insane and brutal (yeah, the costume was silly, but the climax fight was dark and brutal; poor Tobey actually took a few real blows!).

    Some may argue if Venom needed more character development, but if Norman Osborn got more development, then Venom needed to be in Part 4 or left alone. Venom is a religious, sick, violent bastard, and the suit not only enforces that, it friggin’ helps! It really would’ve ran from the bomb if the script let it have a mind. Also, have some continutiy; I was also like “WTF?” when they didn’t acknowledge his name said in the first film. I could talk more of how Harry Osborn got wasted from being the star rival after a 2 film build-up, but Venom was the last straw.

    IMO, Transformers was MUCH better.

  7. As much as I’d love to see Raimi back on ‘Spidey 4’ (and please, please, please…The Lizard or Kraven!) I woudn’t mind if Sam moved on to other things, be it horror, thriller or drama. I actually would dig it if “Darkman” roses from the ashes, or Sam would take on another hero from Marvel, such as ‘Doctor Strange’. Or, for that matter, Morbius.

    Handing it over to a character-driven director…? Who loves comics? We have anyone like that still walking around the planet?
    Someone currently in exile? Aside from Frank Darabont?

    No, seriously, if Sam didn’t want it…I’d hand it over to :
    David Keopp,
    who has had past connection to the Spidey films, and who has directed some films (including the underrated Stir Of Echoes)

    …or Frank Darabont.

    A third shout out…? Hmmm…
    if there’s no MIB III….Barry Sonnenfield.

  8. @Kinger

    I don’t think ANYONE was happy with how Venom/Eddie was treated. I don’t read the comics, but a friend of mine does and is a HUGE Venom fan. After he gave me an overview of the Venom story, I was pumped to see Venom in Spidey 3, but they completely dropped the ball. It was like they just stopped caring. Why do studios stop caring when it comes to the third part of a trilogy? You’d think they’d want to finish strong. The better the movie is, the better your box office will be. Yeah, you have built-in fans from the first two, but it is the REPEAT business of those fans that made the first two monster hits. I don’t know of a soul who saw Spidey 3 more than once. I don’t know anyone who has bothered to buy it on DVD. Just an awful, AWFUL movie.

  9. “it gave him legitimacy and helped him emerge as a A-list director instead of the B-horror movie director he was.”

    B-horror movie director? He had Evil Dead and Evil Dead II (arguably Army of Darkness, but that’s pretty obviously a comedy in every sense, I’d say), and other than that he had an action “super”hero movie (Darkman), a western (The Quick and the Dead), a crime thriller (A Simple Plan), a romantic sports drama (For the Love of the Game), and a mystery thriller (The Gift).

    B-movie horror director? I’d say not.

  10. Spiderman will always make money – but Raimi will have to get people excited about it all over again after the last disappointment. Maybe we could just forget that the last one happened and carry on after Spiderman 2 again? Preferably without Kirsten Dunst. Although no matter what they do – they were on to something with the last one – more dance sequences!

  11. At this point, they could get Steven Spielberg to direct, Topher Grace as Spidey, and Scarlett Jo as MJ, and I still wouldn’t care. Spidey 3 left such an awful taste in my mouth that the thought of paying to sit through another one is unfathomable to me.

  12. I’ve liked Rami as a director but his dark films never seemd very dark to me. When ever he attempted to make a film into some dark and sinister they always ended up being very campy.

  13. I’ve liked Rami as a director but his dark films never seemd very dark to me. When ever he attempted to make a film into some dark and sinister they always ended up being very campy.

  14. I can understand Raimi’s attachment to the series…it gave him legitimacy and helped him emerge as a A-list director instead of the B-horror movie director he was.

    But I do agree with Serena…he looks tired and the franchise looks tired with him. I will admit there were some moments in Spidey 3 that I did enjoy, but overall was a grand disappointment, especially after one and two.

    I think he should move onto something else and let someone else take a crack at the series. But to be hones maybe there should be a break…hollywood has a horrible track record when it comes to extending franchises beyond three movies…

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