First Look at Zachary Quinto as ‘Spock’

I just recently jumped on the ‘Heroes’ bandwagon (and momentarily jumped off considering the first few slow and boring episodes in season 2)  and was immediately intrigued by Zachary “Sylar” Quinto. (who I had only known from before as the techie who couldn’t stand Elisa Cuthbert’s guts in the third season of 24)  When I heard the news that he was going to play Spock in the new Star Trek prequel, I knew it was the perfect casting.  IESB got the first look at Zachary as Spock. Check it out!

Do you think Zachary Quinto was the perfect choice?

P.S. The video is a little blurry, but it’s him alright!

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11 thoughts on “First Look at Zachary Quinto as ‘Spock’

  1. I read on IMDB that IESB also has Trek script spoiler leakage. I have not seen (and refuse to see) the entire report, but from the sound of it, the film isn’t a reboot. Instead, the Romulans find and/or control (?) The Guardian Of Forever(?) and the villain goes back in time…

  2. In pictures of Zach standing next to Nimoy, he could legitimately pass as his son. Yeah, he LOOKS like him, but LOOKING good and actually being capable of ACTING are two totally different things. Don’t believe me? Ask Jessica Alba.

    And no, I don’t watch Heroes, so I have no clue as to what his acting range is. Judging by how my friends all go nuts for Sylar, he muyst be at least a decent actor.

  3. I gotta say, he looks right. But his acting in Heroes is pretty terrible. Very cheesy. I hope he’s doing that on purpose and his Spock isn’t just Sylar but a little less evil. Cos that would be lame.

  4. Well, for a reboot of the franchise it doesn’t look like there’ll be a huge departure from the look and feel of the original series: Zach looks like Spock!

  5. I gotta be honest here. The very first thing I had seen Quinto in was …



    … SO NoTORIous.

    There I said it, but it was a funny show that B.W.E. turned me on to. I think this kid is a pretty decent actor who can play a pretty wide range, and although I am not falling all over myself to see this movie, I would like to see how he does in such a role.

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