Video – Kevin Smith Rips Heckler

Kevin-Smith-ConMan, I just appreciate Kevin Smith so much. No matter what you think of the guy, you’ve got to admit that in person he’s just an amazing and engaging story teller. The man is also quick on his feet.

This past weekend at Comic Con he was doing a session and some guy stepped up to the mic to ask a question, only he thought he was going to be a smart ass and get away with it… he didn’t get away with it. Smith just dealt him pure humiliation (in a pretty damn funny way. Check the video out:

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26 thoughts on “Video – Kevin Smith Rips Heckler

  1. Sure the guy had a reasonable question, but he said it in such an attacking manor. There’s more reasonable ways of asking the same question, but with different words. “IS Clerks 2 REALLY the last Jay and Bob film” could have worked. But honestly, I don;t think the guy wanted an answer, I think he wanted to just make fun of Smith..just that he underestimated the fact that the audience quite possibly filled with quite a bit of Smith’s humble fans. Smith did says “I give you props for having balls..sorta”..which is a true do such a thing in front of an audience of Smith-soanians and Smith himself staring back with a microphone does take some balls..but in the end, what he really did was no better than the dumbasses that attack him on his forums.

  2. I think kevin smiths got a lot og guts in whatever he decides to do, i got a lot of respect for people like him. Yes the heckler could have put his question in a less malicious way, so he deserved everything he got

  3. the guy had a good question though…

    making a joke about fucking someones mom is hardly the height of clever comebacks…..

    lets face it the one time smith went out side his comfort zone he gave us fucking jersey girl…

    and then he went back to the well and made the god awful embarrassingly desperate clerks 2…..

    i love most of his films….the first clerks, mallrats and chasing amy is fucking awesome but I really think the guys question was totally fair.

  4. You have to respect the man. He took a chance, went in pretty good sized debt to make clerks. It paid off, and this is why. He is creative and fucking hilarious. And Salem, I don’t recall every seeing him being vindictive towards anyone unless they brought it on themselves.

  5. This reminds me of Bill Hicks at his best… like the Chicago show in ’92: “Sir, put your cock in her mouth and shut her up! Oh… it’s already in there…”

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