New York’s New Stupid Filming Law

LawNew York has a new law in place relating to filming or photographing stuff in the city. Remember back in the day when public space was… you know… PUBLIC? Listen to this from the IMDB:

Independent filmmakers, civil libertarians, independent film journalists and tourists are joining to oppose proposed regulations drafted by the New York Mayor’s Office of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting that would require a permit and proof of liability insurance for any type of filming or photography involving two or more people at a single site for 30 minutes or more. The rules would also apply to five or more people using a tripod for more than 10 minutes. The proposed regulations have inspired a rap protest video from a comedy group called Olde English, which contains the lyrics: “Make no mistake these rules are heartless/Everyone knows they just target artists/ The video bloggaz at protest marches/And kidz making vids for the YouTube contests/It’s garbage! Let’s tell the people in power/We wanna film for more than half an hour!” The bloggers have also found support from the conservative New York Sun, which wrote in an editorial, “It would be a sad day if New York became a place where a family has to get a permit before making a home video.”

This is just stupid. Basically, if I lived in New York, and me and my buddy wanted to go across the street, set up our video camera and shoot ourselves just talking about a new movie coming out… we’d need to go to the city, get a permit, pay the fees, get insurance coverage with proof slip and pay those fees too? Just for setting up our camera for 15 minutes on a tripod to talk out in a public place?

New tourist industry slogan: COME VISIT NEW YORK! (just leave your camera’s at home please)

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11 thoughts on “New York’s New Stupid Filming Law

  1. This only further supports why all the big bugdet Hollywood films look for “alternative locations” to shoot movies that are supposed to take place in NY City.

    Toronto and other southern Ontario locations in Canada are often littered with film crews. I recognize locations ALL THE TIME in movies.

    Guess NY just doesn’t want the publicity. Maybe they should make the movies about things that happen in Toronto instead and just avoid giving NY all the credit that Canadian Big Cities offer on film.

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