Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston In Marley & Me

Owen-Wilson-MarlyWell, I guess since Vince Vaughn had a crack at her its now Owen Wilson’s turn. Owen Willson (who i really like, but man You, Me and Dupree just sucked) and Jennifer Aniston (Who I maintain is really quite talented despite the fact that most of her movies aren’t that great) are teaming up for a new film called Marly & Me.

Now, on the surface to me this sounds like a great idea. I like Wilson, I like Aniston… so obviously I’ll be looking forward to Marly & Me right? Well… no. Not after I read this synopsis provided by the folks over at ComingSoon:

Marley is the yellow lab adopted by Grogan, a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer, and his wife. Their idea was to give them a taste of parenthood, but the dog proved to be a hyperactive handful. He wreaks havoc, gets kicked out of obedience school and gets even worse when the children begin to arrive, yet becomes an indispensable part of the family.

Yeahhhhh… check please. Is it just me or does that sound just horrible? I’m going to avoid this one methinks.

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18 thoughts on “Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston In Marley & Me

  1. Hey!! I loved the movie. It was Awesome!!! I don’t know what you people are talking about saying it was bad and everything. And Christine Munzing maybe you should read the book before you see the movie and in most animal movies the animal dies if it is a true story. Do Not say Anything bad about Owen Wilson!! He is a BABE!!!! He is totally HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):)

  2. I took my 9 year old grandaughter and 5 year old grandson to see Marly & Me on New Years Eve. Talk about depressing! I was so disappointed. After seeing previous for months and months about nothing but comedy, someone should have warned about the extreme sadness this movie caused. I had to put my dog down in August after 15 years and this made me feel like I was doing it all over again. I think there should have been some form of warning, or just a mention of the sadness, even if on the Oprah show! What a horrible film. The other thing is all the funny parts were the ones we saw over and over on the previews. It was a waste!

    1. what are you two. ok so your dog died and you yell at the people who made the movie because they made a movie about a dog that did. ya that makes sence…. god your fricken stupid

  3. I think as a movie critic of some sort, you should at least do your homework to find out whether a movie was based on a best-seller or not. You obviously have not read or heard of the book, which, is quite your loss cuz it’s such a good book. I’m not sure how the story will translate to the big screen, and I do agree that Jennifer Aniston acts the same way in every movie (she’s always Rachel, even in The Good Girl, just with frumpy clothes), but I think the movie is still worth seeing just because of the main character, Marley. Btw, it’s very mean to blame her for Brad leaving her. He cheated on her for god’s sake. Anyone is boring when compared to Angelina Jolie.

  4. I read the book last year and i’ve re-read it 2 more times since then. It’s my favorite book and i can’t wait to see it in the theaters. Marly and Me is a great family story and everyone should see it. Dogs are also my favorite animal so that makes the story even more special. =) The characters picked for the movie are perfect as well. I like Jennifer Aniston in most of the things she’s in, especiallly Friends, my fave tv show. So im really excited for the movie to come out!!!

  5. I like Wilson, but Aniston has never impressed me at all. Not on Friends, and certainly not in any of her movies. She seems to play every character exactly the same. Passing on this one.

  6. Hey Mr. Stay Puft,

    Not at all. I’ve said for years, and I still FIRMLY hold, that an actors performance ranks lower on what makes a movie good or not than a lot of other MUCH more important things. Things like the director, the starter story, the screenplay… all play MUCH larger roles in if a movie was good or not than how well the actor did in their part.

    Matrix is a great fantastic movie! Was that because Keanu Reeves is one of the best actors of all time? NNNNOOOOPPPEEEE. :)

  7. When most of an actress’s movies “aren’t that great”, you may need to reevaluate your opinion of the actress, John. Perhaps some of the blame can be placed squarely on her talentless shoulders.

  8. the book is very very well written, not sure about the movie though. dogs tend to take too much attention away from actors. and a majority of the book is thought, not much dialogue so im not sure how this will translate.

  9. I’m a dog lover and avid reader. I read this book about a year and a half ago. I’m a dude. I was on a plane. And I was weeping like a little school girl. It was pretty embarrassing but a damn good book. With that said, it absolutely does not translate to the big screen and will bomb. This falls under the category of “film based on book the studio knows will suck but still expects to make a buck on”.

  10. This is based on the book which was a real tear jerker. I like Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston, but I have the feeling that they are going to tart the movie up with recycled dog comedy.

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