Where the Wild Things Are – First Images

I remember this book from when I was younger and now my kids have a copy of this book too. It is a classic. Now word is out that a live action adaptation is being filmed.

How a 48 page book with single lines on each page is translated into a 90 minute movie makes me nervous, but time will tell.

Movieweb gives us:

Here is the first photo from Spike Jonze’s upcoming adaptation of the children’s book Where the Wild Things Are.

A quick visit over to Movieweb will lead you to a high res version of this teaser image of our friend Max in his Wolf Suit.

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13 thoughts on “Where the Wild Things Are – First Images

  1. Rodney:

    “So careful about assuming that this franchise is just “based on a toy line”

    All of the content you mentioned, although some more imaginative than others (but not by much) exist to sell TOYS and were ALL spawned from the same place, a toy line. Plain and simple. I’m not sure how the sheer number of spin-off’s proves anything other than the fact that the creators are continuing to sell toys. If you’re going to say ‘Well the storylines are much more complex and appeal to a wider audience.’, don’t kid yourself. They appeal to the grown up kids that were buying Generation 1 Transformers 20 years ago in hopes that they’ll keep shelling out the dough thanks to nostalgia.

    Everything, including the movie AND the japanese stuff, is based off of one core idea…a group of robots that transform. Or in other words, the perfect toy. No more, no less. Anything else that’s been brought to the table has grown out of that very basic marketing idea. Who’s to say something equally exciting or interesting can’t come out of a single book?

    And again, in terms of my original example, The Transformers Movie, I’d still bet my first born on Spike Jonze than Michael Bay any day of the week as Jonez possesses a hundred times more creativity and originality.

  2. What I think Jay was trying to say, and I could be wrong, is that something basic can be turned into something amazing when in the right hands.

    All of those series you pointed out Rodney, all were extremely imaginative off shoots of a half hour commerical for toys.

    This movie can have the same, if not better, success if done right, and I think they hired the perfect man for the job.

    Get the The Best of Spike Jonze DVD, its AWSOME!


  3. Jay: “The Transformers, the movie that everyone (including yourself from what i’ve read) is so excited for, is based off of a TOY LINE”

    Transformers has a LOT of content to draw from. Hey, just off the top of my head there is Generation 1, Generation 2, Beast Wars/Beast Machines (both generations), Robots in Disguise, Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Two comic book series, and yet still finds room for a live action feature film.

    And that doesnt even TOUCH how insane the variations of this franchise there are in Japan (Kissplayers anyone?)

    So careful about assuming that this franchise is just “based on a toy line”

  4. Kristina:

    “What I meant was that those books had an abundance of info and plot and story, which JUSTIFIED them being adapted into a book.”

    “THIS thing is just a bunch of pictures and a few words. That does not make this thing a good candidate for film.”

    Let me remind you that The Transformers, the movie that everyone (including yourself from what i’ve read) is so excited for, is based off of a TOY LINE. Just look at the credits in the trailer: “Based on Hasbro’s Transformer’s Action Figures” And the cartoon didn’t hold much water as far as deep content either.

    You’d be suprised what a little imagination and creativity can do for a concept that might seem a little light on content. Especially when put in the hands of someone like Jonez.

  5. I do feel a little wary about a movie version of this book since there really isn’t too much too it. However, I LOVED this book as a kid and enjoyed scaring my daughter with it when she was younger (I know, evil). Since Spike Jonze is involved I feel a spark of hope and that picture above is pretty cool, even if we can’t see the whole image monsters.

  6. @Jay C

    I wasn’t calling LOTR and Da Vinci the gold standards. What I meant was that those books had an abundance of info and plot and story, which JUSTIFIED them being adapted into a book. Yes, I know it’s a children’s book, but there are children’s books with more meat on their bones. Bridge to Terabithia for example is a meaty book that was adapted into a movie. THIS thing is just a bunch of pictures and a few words. That does not make this thing a good candidate for film. Remember what happened with the Cat in the Hat movie? Yikes!

  7. Kristina:

    You’re comparing this to LOTR and The DaVinci Code?? These are the standards for book to film adaptations? Even when it’s a CHILDREN’S book?? No offense, but you’re vision here seems a little limited. I’d have to say anything with Spike Jonze’s name attatched will guarantee interesting and original results, which is more than I can say for the majority of Ron Howard’s cookie cutter efforts.

  8. Spike Jonze you say!? fucking excellent, sign me up! Most book adaptions suck because you have too much material and have to chop it to bits. This is the perfect book to adapt as all you have to do is use your imagination and flesh it out. And Spike has an INSANE imagination.

    Mark my words, sleeper hit in the works!


  9. 2 things scared me as a kid, this book and clowns.. Well- to explain this book made me think for years growing up that monsters were real – and clowns proved it – WTF – Now that I’m older this book could be interesting if it turns out like Pans Labrinth – or perhaps thats why we are seeing this now because of it. I need more information on this movie…but god help me the next time I come across a fucking clown!

  10. Love this book, but this’ll suck. LOTR and Da Vinci Code have a massive amount of story and info. What does this have? Wild things, and where they are. Whoopdy-shit.

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