Jim Carey To Star In I Love You Phillip Morris

jimcarey.jpgLadies and Germs it appears that we may have the greatest Jim Carey news in a long time. We get the gold from our friends at cinemablend:

This morning Variety broke the news that Jim has finally found something new to do. His next movie will be a dark comedy from the team who wrote Bad Santa, called I Love You Phillip Morris. From the title you might think it’s another riff on the whole smoking thing, but apparently Carrey plays a conman who falls in love with his cellmate and as a result makes several prison escapes. Not sure why he had to make several, usually one does the trick. I guess they didn’t take.

The dudes that wrote Bad Santa are hilarious, dark and crude. I love them. I am so pumped that Jim Carey is going to be at the helm for this one. This has all the ingredients to become the greatest Jim Carey comedy ever. To have a movie about a guy that falls in love with his cell mate is just insanely hilarious, to have him so in love, that he tries to escape prison to be with him is aztec gold!

Jim Carey has done some great work in the arena of drama, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind was great, as was Man On The Moon. I am glad that he is venturing back to his roots, Jim Carey is a deity of comedic acting and it seems like forever since he has done a comedy. I personally feel that none of his comedy films have yet captured the potential that lies beneath his skin. If any project can do it, this may be the one. When you start with a concept like this, people assume going in that it will be over the top, edgy, outlandish, offensive, and controversial. You really have a blank check within the context of this film to get as rediculous as you want, and that is something Jim can do with ease and excellence. I will be keeping an eye out for this one indeed.

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