First Indiana Jones 4 Picture

Harrison Ford on the set of Indiana Jones 4

Well there he is ladies and gentlemen. Harrison Ford in the old familiar outfit we’ve grown to know and love. Indiana Jones himself… sitting there on set. You know what’s happening right? The reason the picture is of him sitting down and not “acting” is because as much as they talk about this moving getting made… it’s really not. I still say it won’t happen… and that’s why Ford is just sitting around. They thought they were going to start filming… and then Lucas or Spielberg once again changed their minds about something.

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43 thoughts on “First Indiana Jones 4 Picture

  1. This is stupid.I mean another Indy film,come on.This is going to be another one of those movies people will see simply because its in existence.Indy 4 is just old news.TRANSFORMERS WILL BLOW ALL THE COMPETITION AWAY.

  2. In response to the post “why is he not acting ?”
    Harrison ford hasn’t acted in over 15 years! And he’s still waiting to learn how.

    P.S> All hail megatron!!!

  3. He does come across like an asshole sometimes, but he’s Han fucking Solo and Indiana fucking Jones! He could slit a baby’s throat and shit in the hole in front of me, and I’d still love him.

  4. Will Harrison Ford ever be happy? When you hear him in interviews it’s the same monotone whatever voice. Pictures he always looks like he’s just waiting to die. I know he has to live with Calista Flockshit but his glummness predates her. Mayube he should have stayed a carpenter and then he would be happy. I personally don’t care if Indian Bones 4 ever gets made-I might be one of the few who never was wild about the first 3-but the again I never bought Dark Side of the Moon either.

  5. Yay…

    A geriatric, grey-haired, 65 year old Indiana Jones, who is older now than Connery was when he played his father in The Last Crusade….

    I cant wait for the apologists to start convincing themselves that the movie wasnt a complete letdown. This movie is 10 years too late.

    I hope I’m wrong…. I sincerely do, but I cant help but smell an episode 1 size letdown approaching.

  6. I’d pay money to see Jar Jar show up, spout off a bunch of nonsense, and then just have Indy do what he does best: just shoot the motherfucker and walk away.

  7. :) I love the angle you take with these Indy 4 stories. You could show Lucas, Ford, and Spielberg holding the canister of the entire film once it’s completed, then write a caption about how they’re “talking over the best way to destroy the film.”

  8. Oh, I know they’re not making the movie. That picture above is clearly a photoshop job of my grandfather’s Halloween outfit. Next year they’ll probably use his Halo costume as a promo image for a movie that also never going to be made. >.>
    I wasn’t suggesting to mention it because it’ll work. I thought it was an amusing side story about the movie. I mean, if I want pettitions, I can both sign a petition to free Paris Hilton from jail:
    and to keep her in longer:
    at the same time. Did you know Jesus Christ himself seems to have voted to get rid of homework?:
    And it seems 8,976 people want Justin Timberlake to do a concert in Ottawa,:
    but only 28 people want Tim Hortons to offer delivery in Toronto:

    I’m sure each of these petitions will find their goals.

    Sorry if this went to far off-topic. Just making sure you know I didn’t actually have faith behind the petition, just found the humor in it.

  9. Hey Callvin

    No, I’m not going to mention it. There is a “fan petition” for everything… and in general they’re all pretty much useless.

    Besides… what’s the point? It was Connery who turned the role down. Nothing anybody can do about it at this point.

    Besides… they’re not even going to make the movie. :P

  10. My Indy… he finds the Ark of the Covenant in the morning and by the afternoon he has defeated the Thuggee Cult. By early evening he has defeated a whole gang of sadistic Nazis and has gotten the girl.

    He drinks from the Holy Grail and then rides off into the sunset. He loves his dad… he values and collects mysterious ancient antiquities…

    …and he takes Geritol(tm) every day.

    My Indy. I think I’ll keep him.

  11. Your argument was so pathetic john campea.

    Indy 4 is getting made whether you like it or not. It will blow away the upcoming shitfest supported by shitfests aka Transformers.

  12. C’mon John, that’s silly talk. Of course the movie is being made.

    I must say, I’m not pumped for it as I should be. Mainly because Ford is a senior citizen now, and basically can’t be the “true” adventure/thrill seaking Dr. Jones anymore.

    They need to bring fresh and young actors to take over old franchises. The same way it is done with “James Bond”, etc.

  13. I’ve got to admit too that he does look good for a 65 yr old! I guess a 65 yr old is the new 55!

    It’s nice to see this thing get under away but I still feel this is 5-10 yrs too late. Personally I would love to see the Indiana Jones character being played by a new younger actor sort of like the James Bond series. Giving the franchise a true long life! I love Harrison and will always think of him as Jones, but I loved Connery too as Bond but got used to seeing different people play the character.

    But I will admit it is cool to finally see this project underway!

  14. Oh my god people! Campea is obviously being sarcastic and poking fun at himself! I laughed when I read that, and then came in here and saw some of you took it seriously. Holy shit people!

  15. John, the filmmaking process involves lots of re-writes and “changing of minds”. This has been done before by both filmmakers. If anything you should be excited about what thier planning. And plus, why would good old Harrison be sitting around in the Indy outfit if they weren’t going to film anyway. You dont seem to be thinking about that possibility

  16. “I still say it won’t happen… and that’s why Ford is just sitting around.”

    Hey John…are you willing to have intimate relations with a squash if you’re wrong?

  17. Can Doug please turn this picture into a “what is Harrison Ford thinking” post? I’ll go for:

    “I shouldn’t have drank the blood of Kali for lunch; it’s giving me wind. Must…….clench…….buttocks”

  18. Is Grandpa Indy sitting in a wheelchair in that picture?

    Just kidding…he looks younger than I thought he would, though I was kinda hoping he would sport a wise, old man-beard for the movie.
    Oh well, let’s see what happens…

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