James Cameron Avatar and Battle Angel Trilogies?

James Cameron is finally getting set to get back behind the director’s chair. There has been lots of talk about both Avatar and Battle Angel (for good reason). Now it looks like Cameron is planning both of these films to be trilogies if the first ones suceed.

The good folks over at Dark Horizons give us this:

“‘Project 880,’ we’ll probably release it as ‘Avatar’. We haven’t locked in on the title yet, but this is what we are calling it. [There will be] possible sequels if it does well; if it tanks, no. We’re in active pre-production on it right now, I’m directing it; I’m directing all these films”

As for his sci-fi thriller about a female cyborg in the 26th century film? “With ‘Battle Angel,’ also, we’ll do the same thing. ‘Battle Angel’ is actually designed as a three-film cycle. So the logic there is to make one and, if it hits, boom-boom on the other two”.

It basically sounds like if each of these films are a box office sucess, then he’ll immediatley start making 2 more of each back-to-back. Not a bad idea.

I know this is a little thing, but what I really like in that little interview was the modesty of Cameron. Just the fact that he acknowledges that his film may “tank”. That’s kinda cool.

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11 thoughts on “James Cameron Avatar and Battle Angel Trilogies?

  1. No. No one uses those red/blue glasses anymore. Those are so Captain EO.

    The new glasses that are being used for 3D movies, and can be gaurenteed to be used for these movies are polarized lenses. One lens is polarized one way, the other, another way. This is the same tech that Lucas will be using for the Star Wars 3D movies, and we can expect alot more movies to be using them too.

    I actually just used a pair of these last week while on vacation in Hawaii at the USS Missouri site on a motion simulator. Pretty cool.

  2. sal: yep, it’ll be a live action (well, mostly CG I suppose) version of Battle Angel Alita. The (short-lived) anime was alright, but is itself based off of the first couple books of an amazing (much, much better) manga series of the same name. I don’t read much manga, but it’s really epic, I’d highly recommend picking up the first volume if it sounds vaguely interesting.

    After a several year haitus, Yukito Kishiro, the author, started continuing the series in a still ongoing continuation (Last Order), and it’s definitely one of the things I’ve looked forward to every six months.

    More info on Wikipedia (of course): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Angel

  3. I know I give everyone hell for being so damn Cynical and down in the mouth all the time, but now it’s my turn:

    I am sick of Asian remakes and Anime type things in Western media. It never works for me. Cashern proved it for me.

    also, seriously, i’m actually getting weary of all these “Trillogies”… one of these days someone is going to totally obliterate the art form of the trillogy. And i’m going to be very sad.

    ( mogulus resumes writing the third part of his “Island of Dr. Mogulus trillogy and sighs heavilly).

  4. Battle Angel? the synopsis & title sound like the japanese anime title ‘Battle Angel Alita’ released on the manga label and it’s also about a female cyborg rescued from a scrapheap. So maybe a live action movie version then? Should be good, the cartoon was cool and now I wish I hadn’t go rid of my copy during last house move.

    will be interesting to see how it turns out. So far I haven’t liked the live action versions of anime (as much) compared to the actual cartoons for example ‘wicked city’, excellent cartoon, not so good live action movie.

  5. I’d just rather leave the Terminator franchise to rot in direct-to-dvd hell. No Arnie, no Sarah Connor? Just no point. T3 was a spoof.

    I agree about the Alien 5 thing though. Utter madness.

    Apparently this new 3D is some cool 3D which uses new glasses in place of the crappy red/blue ones. Of course none of this matters to me because I doubt there’s a theater in the whole of the UK that could project it properly. Bugger.

    Hey, you know IMAX 3d? Do they use the red/blue thing or the cooler one? Is it any good?

  6. You know, Cameron thought when releasing ‘Titanic’ that it would bomb right away. What happened: it would slowly become the BIGGEST grossing movie EVER! Sure, today this movie would be in many “overrated” lists, but its nice to see people acknowledge his biggest work.

    Boy, I wonder what Fox studios were thinking when they booted both him and Ridley Scott from working together on ‘Alien 5’.

    I like were Cameron is going with this; it is always a risky bet to make three movies all at once (just ask Peter Jackson). I’m glad to see him back in the director’s chair. I hope his movies becomes successful. If not, there are some other projects I’d like to see (**coughcoughTerminator4coughcough**).

  7. The only thing that has me worried is the 3-D aspect. As long as its not distracting(ie: glasses irritate your nose and ears, light refractions, disorientation) then I’m all for it. I just know that in the past 3-D has been nothing but an aggravating gimmick. And by God almighty, I don’t want anything as silly as a 3-D gimmick pissing me off during the first James Cameron movie in , like, 8 years. I must say though, I have stronger confidence in it when I hear how passionate J.C. is when he talks about it.

  8. Coming from the guy who made the money-eating beast that was Titanic modesty is certainly a very cool thing. Anyone who makes films as good as Aliens, the Terminators and True Lies has my undying love so I’ll be there opening day for these. He made Jamie Lee Curtis do a striptease. They should make him Emperor for that alone.

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