Another New Writer for Halo

Halo news just keeps getting worse. Remember how ages ago they said the script was "done". Latino review apparently said it rocked and they were going to move forward now? Haha… yeah. They’ve moved nowhere in almost a year.

And oh yeah… that script? The one was that "done". The one that was "finished"? You know… the one Alex Garland wrote. Well the other day I suggested that MAYBE the reason we haven’t heard anything about Halo in so long is because they don’t like the script and they’re trying to redo it. remember that?

A few people started ripping me a new one "You’re an idiot Campea, the reviews said the script rocked!". i got several emails like that. But all I said was MAYBE that’s one of the things holding it up. Yeah well guess what:

They got a new writer who is working on another script for Halo now.

To be fair, it’s not unusual at all for some films to ditch one script and to start developing another. Halo isn’t the first film to do it… and it won’t be the last. It’s better to take longer and get the right script than it is to rush it and use the wrong script.

So Halo has been in a total mess. Maybe this will be the start of them getting things back on track. But they still need to take the freaking helmet off of Master Chief for some of the movie.

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33 thoughts on “Another New Writer for Halo

  1. dont’ worry, Chark…i’m not singling you out at all.
    Fair minds are always right. And I usually give people online heck for not giving movies a fair shake before they come out.

    I have a personal axe to grind on the Halo movie for some reason that even I can’t explain. I’m gonna have a spot of fun with it in the posts, but believe me, I’ll admit if the movie rocks that I was DEAD DEAD DEAD wrong.

    but you do have to admit…halo fans that are saying this movie looks like it’s going to rock have no leg to stand on. not yet anyway. Many of these are the same people who said Xmen3 was going to blow chunks. This simply isn’t fair ( though fair is worth nothing these days )

    Also, I know as well that when I generalize I run the risk of being wrong.

    For anyone who cares so much as to read this post, which is a bit farther back than most i make, please know I have nothing personally against Halo fans. I love the game. : )

  2. Mogulus-

    While I’m a fan of the game, I’m hardly jumping up and down in anger. Halo could very well turn out to be be a pile of crap. I just think all this stuff is premature about crapping on it before it’s even out of preproduction (and any film for that matter- there is far too much assumption and supposition based on nothing on the internet these days). There’s hardly any news on the project and people act like it’s doomed. It was announced it had been picked up barely a year ago. Relax.

    And just beacause I neither agree with you or John here doesn’t make me an idiot any more than your disagreement with me makes you an ignorant jackass. See what I’m saying?

  3. hey john…I just like debating ya……
    at the end of the day I couldn’t give a fuck about halo to be honest but I am dying to hear what you think about “little man” making 21 million over the weekend…..I can’t fucking believe it…..who in the fuck would willingly pay to see that…..words fail me….

    oh and did you see of the picture of optimus prime with flames down the side?
    did you see it when it was up at aint it cool news??

    I didn’t like it all myself and I am now worried about the film..optimus prime with blue and red flames…it looked fucking idiotic….perhaps after all the debate they decided to get larry the cable guy to do his voice…..


  4. Hey Carter,

    Oh I absolutley can be fanboyish if it’s something that really gets my attention and looks like it has promise.

    As far as Hellboy goes… we covered the mess it’s in and the fact that they don’t have a studio right now ad nasium on the Audio Edition about a month or 2 ago. So no disagreements from me there.

    Am still excited about what Hellboy can be… but yeah… it’s a mess right now… no arguments at all.

  5. hey john….fair point there about superman. I was thinking the same thing that guy was thinking and you have a good answer but what about hellboy 2.
    you haven’t labelled that a mess or a disaster and the studio DROPPED the entire project yet you still speak positively about that.
    They don’t even have a studio anymore …. and still don’t.

    I just think for you to go on about halo being a mess and a joke yet still talk positively about hellboy when the stuio totally drops its shows a lack of consistancy and bit of bias….

    you don’t have to get super defensive like you did with the guy above….I also liked your little dig at AICN……I mean there are never any fanboyisms on this site…coughtranformersahemsupermanreturnscough ;)

  6. i am a big fan of the game, and i do see that by taking the helmet off for some portions of the movie would be a good idea!!!!! i understand that V was a very ‘hard to beat’ acception to the rule but hey, that was undescribably perfect from Hugo Weaving.
    so, the question that i am posing is…..who?
    who is going to play MC? (well the scenes where the helmet is off anyway)
    because the game doesnt give much away about what he looks like i guess it could be anyone? i mean it wouldnt be the hardest character to play right? does any one think that the only reason the ‘no helmet’ idea could be ruined solely due to piss-poor/cheesy acting?
    im thinking of tom cruise….ahhh nightmares!
    i want this movie to do well, but i am extremely cynical that it will get what the STORY deserves!
    (emphasis on story, not just because its another video game movie)

  7. what I find irritating is how Halo fanboys are jumping up and down acting like the world is ending because a few bloggers are saying the movie “might not be that good.”

    where was their “let’s be fair”ness back when “Superman is going to be crap” “batman returns is going to be crap” “xmen 3 sucked” “shaymalon is a hack because i don’t like his flicks” etc was being heard everywhere?

    Seriously. To be fair, the Halo crowd should feel lucky the voices of suckage isn’t worse already. Heck, John. We’re living in a world where you can’t say you’re looking forward to spiderman 3 without people saying “yeah but Venom came from outer space…they’re fucking with it, hence, it will suck”….

    …I say carry on with your opinions. A few idiots won’t get it. Most of us will continue telling our friends about this kick ass site where this dude named John, whos’ sometimes wrong but mostly right, is being 100% truthful and fair with his readers about the opinions he feels.

    Carry on, man. Carry on.

  8. I’m still unable to see how this is a mess, John. You’re brewing a tempest in a teapot of inconsequentials. Halo is still in pre production. Nothing is a mess until it leaves preproduction and all hell breaks loose. Stuff is supposed to be crazy and revised and discussed in pre– that’s why it’s called “pre”.

    Also, please see my post in the “No Mask” thread. Anybody recall a couple wildly popular, completely masked characters named Darth Vader and Boba Fett?

    And the books? They were ok. Pretty standard stuff ala the Star Trek and Star Wars novels. Not horrible, not literature.

  9. Ho Boy Tom, you really got me,

    Imagine… a Movie Blog talking about MOVIES of all things. Yup, Superman was a totally unadalterated MESS and it took them YEARS to get it back on track. Remind me again of how this has anything to do with the Halo movie? You lost me there?

    Look, we talk about the movies here. The good, the bad and he ugly.

    And yes, the movie project does look like a disaster. I never said the final on screen movie sucked. If you don’t know the difference, then I don’t know how to help you.

    I said in my last post EXPLICITLY that maybe the hiring of a new writer could be a good sign that they’re getting things on track again. Maybe… we’ll see.

    The project is in a mess. That doesn’t mean they won’t pull it together and make a decent movie (I don’t think they can… but that’s neither here nor there).

    Sorry… if you’re looking for a pure fanboy site, go read AICN. I’ll praise what I think deservsed to be praised, and be negative about the things i think deserve that. Don’t you do that to?

    Oh well… if you really don’t like it, go read something else. If you can’t handle reading different opinons than your own, or those that agree with you… read something else. Email me if you’d like and i’ll send you a list of excellent websites that may suit your tastes better.

  10. Ho boy, Campea, you sure got us!

    Seriously, what the fuck is with your sudden interest in whether the Halo movie is coming out in 2007 or 2008? You’re acting like this is the biggest mess in Hollywood. If you really want to read about a mess, you should read about all the shit it took to make Superman Returns, and for all the disastrous ‘efforts’ over the years to get that made, that movie’s still not making enough money to cover it’s budget, no matter how you slice and dice it.

    And your logic makes zero sense whatsoever. You talk about how all video game movies suck (they do), and how the Halo movie ‘looks like a disaster’ (I haven’t seen anything from it, but you ARE ‘the founder and the editor’, so you might have some powers that can see into the future), but you still have enough interest to make two fucking posts in a row about it. You’re basically encompassing the really truly shitty irony about the internet, and what you complain about in your ‘blogs’; people on the internet bitching about stuff, yet they can’t seem to stop talking about it.

  11. Master Chief’s Mjolnir suit, including helmet, illustrates that despite being human technically, he is in many ways is as alien to the rest of humanity as the Covenant are.

    That said, I imagine the helmet thing could be a problem in the movie format, but only if he lacked any dialogue (one-liners don’t count, of course). For the movie we need less of the John-117 from the games and more of his leadership personality from the books.

    Speaking of the books, I actually can’t really find any truly bad reviews. Most of the ones I read that aren’t gushing fanboy praise admit that although they’re not excellent, but along the lines of “reasonable”. If one goes into them expecting they’ll be horrible will probably be pleasantly surprised at how decent they are (compared to other books based on games especially).

    To tell you the truth, “they” (Bungie) hasn’t said much regarding the movie in sometime. Most of the latest news regarding Halo these days is about Halo 3 or the upcoming graphic novel. This is the first I’ve heard of a new writer.

  12. Hey John, gotta say the more i think about it the more im very displeased with the helmet on for the entire movie. I am also a fan of the books and in the books he does remove his helmet to reveal that he is pretty damn ugly from years of fighting and also albino from always wearing the suit, which in turn if it had been used correctly would have been a strong point in the overall film.

  13. Oh, I forgot to mention: I’m a huge fan of the Halo games. But to me they’re about fast-paced, tactical SF action… Not a faceless Master Chief.

  14. I just don’t get why so many Halo fans think that Master Chief never taking off his helmet is a chief part of the “allure” of Halo…

    It works fine in the game, since you are imaging yourself as Master Chief. However, do people watching a movie seriously imagine themselves as the main character? Somehow, I doubt that.

    Furthermore, for those who argue the movie should follow the books… I have a sneaking suspicion that Master Chief _does_ take his helmet off in the Halo novels.

  15. Hey John, the whole helmet/identity thing is part of the whole Halo/Master Chief intrigue. If you don’t get it’s because you’re not a Halo fan!

  16. John, the books actually give a lot of insight into the MC and other characters of the game and tie everything together so it all makes sense to those of us who are die-hard fans and want to know absolutly everything…yeah I’m a nerd, so what!!! Yes, I know you just asked for professional opinions but I thought I would state mine any way!!! I think the only way this movie is going to succeed is to make it like Starship Trooper and/or Black Hawk Down…plenty of violence and gore and action. I just hope they use real Marines to play and not civilians who couldnt portray us if their life depended on it. This movis is going to bank on the the secondary characters…not the MC. The background characters is what is going to make this movie good. Man this sucks ass…I am going to break my Halo games right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Hey Brent,

    Thanks for the link. Can you send me to any actual reviews though that aren’t just reader reviews? I’m going to assume that Halo game fans read the book and are going to be prety biased (I would be too).

    Thanks man.


    thats a link to the canaidan amazon with user reviews for the books.

    its average score is 4.5/5

    mind you, your talking to a very big Halo fan here, so my opinion is slightly biased. I still think the movie has potential, i have to at least have hope.

    lord knows it can be worse then Bloodrayne or The Mario Bros.

  19. I cant believe I am going to agree with you John, but I am beginning to think that this is got to shit fast. I thought this movie was going to kick ass and take names but now it seems like the movie is going to be just another fucked up gaming movie. I agree with Brent up there…about the novels being excellent and perfect to adapt into a movie…but think about this one…if 3 novels already exist and Bungie just hired a new writer to repen the story then what does that spell?:? DDDOOOOOOMMM for the movie. They have/had a story and now are scrapping it to make a new one…well damn…this shit is just getting worse and worse as time goes on. You would think that with a movie/game of this caliber that whoever writes the screenplay would not, in their right mind, even think about fucking this up…but who knows now. Is summer of 07 still the release date or has that been changed now too.

  20. Hey there Brent Van Boursted,

    I have to admit that I haven’t read the Halo books, but when i first heard about them last year I looked up reviews… and every single book review I read said they were horrible.

    If you know of some positive reviews for the Halo books I’d love it if you could provide me with a link to them.


  21. Master Cheif doesn’t need to remove his helmet.

    It’s meant to be a mystery on purpose, and revealing his face as a regular actor would ruin fantastries everywhere. alot of people who have played it imagine Master Cheif as themselves, which is sort of how its supposed to go.

    All they need to do is a make a movie based on the first novel: The Fall of Reach, by Eric Nylund. This would make a for a great story, as its tells of how Master Cheif came to be before the first game. and it allows for us to see a young and teen age Master Cheif, without ruining how he grows up when the games occur.

    it keeps his full identity a mystery, and still portrays human emotions for most of the movie.

    i suggest alot of you “haters” read the novel, as its pretty good and it hink it would makje for an entertaining movie.

  22. when i first heard about the halo movie i thought it was going to be the worst peice of #### movie in existence, second only to freddy got fingered. but it seems to me they are taking their time with it so it might turn out to be at least a decent movie.

  23. Since this post comes right off the heels of the last one (Halo hero not taking off helmet) could I suggest another sad possibility? Maybe the script WAS great. Maybe it was well written. But say in this draft some Halo dudes took off thier helmets, such as the Chief. Is it *possible* that something that isn’t broken is being “fixed”? Also, has “Halo” got a director? No? Then why the damage control?

    “It’s better to take longer and get the right script than it is to rush it and use the wrong script.”

    Something you forget, John. This isn’t always the case. There also have been many scripts in the past which are great, only to be ditched and re-written and the end result is a poor one. One too many cooks in the kitchen runs does not always spell success.

  24. hey camp,

    do you think it’s good that there getting a new writer? maybe the first draft wasn’t up to par, and they are taking thier time trying to get things right. this movie has alot of things that CAN go wrong if wrongly written. talking aliens, a faceless master chief. uninteresting weapons, and a story thats good, but not the most detailed. oh yeah, and different races of aliens

    would you like the movie if it was more like black hawk down. little plot, but maintain urban warfare for the majority of the movie??

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