Audio Edition – July 14th 2006

On today’s Audio Edition Doug and John discuss:

1) Wesley Snipes fighting more undead in Gallowwalker

2) More on the Halo mess

3) Michael Clarke Duncan Comments and the viral nature of the web

4) Disney cutting production

5) The Prestige (AMAZING TRAILER!)

6) What does Harrison Ford Turning 64 mean for Indy?

7) The new Spider-Man poster

8) WOuld you see a movie for $5 in the morning?

9) John talks about You, Me and Dupree.

All this and a few things more.

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

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35 thoughts on “Audio Edition – July 14th 2006

  1. Thanks for the comments, Lou. Next time I watch the prequels (and I’m an idiot, so I probably will), I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve never completely understood what makes a good director (other than the resultant good films).

    Oh, and Darren, have you tried Black Seeley? Give it a go. You put the word ‘black’ in your name and it instantly makes you cooler. Worked for Black Francis, right?

  2. just finished listening to the podcast…I can’t believe you guys like V For Vendetta so much… of the worst movies ever made…it amazes me…..

  3. the only good thing to come out of the prestige trailer is the fact that that means the film will be finished shortly and he can get to work on the film that matters….

    Batman: The Joker

  4. Yes the trailer for The Prestige was pretty amazing. But for some reason, the trailer for the similarly themed The Illusionist worked even better for me. Ed Norton was giving me goose bumps like never before. I’m expecting Oscars.

  5. holy fucking shit…..little man came in second at the box office this weekend….WHO IN THE FUCK WENT AND SAW THAT SHIT… it beat you me and dupree….it even beat superman….sure supes has been out for 3 weeks but still…little man?? 21 million opening weekend…….FUCKING LITTLE MAN…jesus…

    and pirates made over 60 million…….258 million in 10 days…that is ridiculous…..
    the most interesting thing for me is cars sitting on 219 miilion….isn’t this pixars so called “disappointment?” even i thought it was but it has slowly clocked up tons of cash…..n
    I know some people find this shit boring but i love box office results so fuck it….

  6. ohhh i’m in complete blissful orgyramic vaginal wrap heaven!!!
    soooo much anti Halo sentiment!!!
    this site is my online home and i’m never leaving!!! HAHAHAHAAAA!!!!

    to be fair, If Halo rocks, I’ll go see it thrice and admit my wrongdoings in flaming it here and there on high… but I will not have to do that. I won’t.

    I left two anti-Halo comments on various anti-Halo ( I love saying those words together. bear with me. ) posts earlier today, John. My rapture continued as, in this audio edition, I found out that you had already made EXACTLY those points before I had myself.

    The story sucks. Period. ( well, not sucks. but isn’t great. )

    See, I’m giving into my own hatred here. I have tried chastising people for speaking so negatively about certain movies too long and now I’m getting an enema…an enema for my Anti-halo constipation.

    How I reached this level of animosity for a game that I truely appreciate for it’s gameplay value, graphics and multiplayer mode, I have no Idea. It just feels right. Like following Christ, only funnier.

    May Bungie, in despairation, be forced to give the project to Uwe Boll’s production company. May the candle of my life not be extinguished ‘fore this movie tanks at the box office, pulls a Bloodrayne, and leaves us forever!!!

  7. Eureka!

    After a day’s thought process, I figured it out how they can get away with HALO’s Master Chief never taking off his helmet. There was an ambitious low budget war film back in the late 80’s called “84 Charlie Mopic” where a character was this cameraman nicknamed 84 Mopic. The audience only saw the action and characters through his camera lens. The audience, never saw the actual cameraman. Not even when MoPic was “killed” at the end.

    What’s that?
    Won’t work with Halo?


    Shit up a rope!

    False alarm, false alarm, go back to your lives.
    F’ing video games.

  8. Hey John, i was browsing the web, and i remembered what you said about M N Sh—gah the director of the Villiage and Sixth Sense and how you spoke about Harry Potter and this is what he also said

    “Shyamalan was interviewed by TLC and you can read a snippet from the interview below:

    I would be the greatest protector of an author’s stuff. Especially things that I respect, that I know there’s inherently magic in it. I would be very wary of screwing it up, so I would be very careful….There’s no way that it would be missed by lack of effort or lack of care or lack of attention. I would be giving it every single iota…I would cherish it.

    I got this from

  9. Man, I thought that antonio guy had gone away.

    Stop leaving useless comments and trying to be funny. Nobody thinks you’re funny, and nobody has the patience to see you leave more posts like that.

  10. I only pay 5 bucks for any movie that has been out for 2 weeks. Normal ticket is 8 bucks for a prime time showing. Cool news tho. Just saw Toyko Drift for 5 bucks. Time was 7:00 or something.

  11. – I liked the FPS section in Doom. It was fun. So far it’s the most successful video game movie I’ve seen (read: the only one that didn’t make me want to claw my eyes out).

    – Bale used that exact accent to accept his award at the MTV Awards. I couldn’t say if it’s his natural accent or not because he tends to use the accent of the movie he’s currently working on in interviews etc. Either way, it sounded fine in full sentences. (The song was “Hip To Be Square” and he beat him to death with an axe, which was fun.)

    – A agree about Indy being too old. Go with Young Indiana Jones. If Spielberg and Lucas are there it’ll still be awesome and we get a kickass adventure movie out of it. Spielberg hasn’t done one in a long time.

  12. 1) The film with Wesley Snipes, Robert Downey Jr. and Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan). It’s called ‘One Night Stand’, directed by Mike Figgis. Among the other cast: future Sandman Thomas Hayden Church, Ming Na, Amanda Donohoe, Julian Sands and Glenn Plummer.

    “Drop Zone” (directed by John Badham) is one of my favorite action films Snipes wise outside of the ‘Blade’ films. I also liked his villian roles in “Demolition Man” and “New Jack City”. But then there’s the comedies “White Men Can’t Jump” and “Major League”, and the drama “Jungle Fever”. As to this new film, I’m not sold on it. I’d much rather see him let go of “Blade’ and take the other Marvel hero he lobbied for : T’Chilla, The Black Panther.

    The new ‘Blade’ series is fine. I watch it though…because I’m ga ga eyed over Jill Wagner.
    But Sticky Fingaz is not as good as Snipes in a bad DTV movie.

    2) Regardless of whether the Halo script was good or bad, rewritten for whatever reason, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Without a director, the call for a new script sounds fishy to me. New scripts and/or rewrites usually happen when a new director comes on and brings his baggage. I simply think that the script was good, but since nobody’s going near it, Bungi feels it must change gears. What they fail to see is that the concept isn’t all that appealing as a feature film. Also, despite the modest success of ‘Silent Hill’, I think some directors are staying away from video games to film adaptations. There are three or four directors who have done video games to movies. There may be one or two other directors who did such adaptations and found the reaps of rewards and appeal limiting at best (in other words, a crapfest). If the previous script had characters- specifically Chief- take off his helmet…and now it must be changed to be just like the game, it speaks volumes to me.

    Darth Vader had his helmet off briefly in ‘Empire’ and of course, ‘Jedi’.

    Having one or two characters with a helmet on is one thing; having everyone look like a bulked up Power Ranger is something else.

    While we are in disagreement on this, there is one thing we do agree on : Halo doesn’t look good. It might have decent effects, but it won’t hold any appeal outside of that. In addition, without a director, is it safe to say that NONE of the Halo FX have been done yet? Might as well hold Weta on board just for Halo 3 VG.

    3) [or rather, skipping down here] I do question the jab at Lucas. He’s a very good director, although he’s a better producer. He had different helmers on ‘Empire’ and ‘Jedi’, and, as mentioned above, Larry Kasdan was a MVP in the script department. I thought the recent trilogy was fine, and got better as it went along. But Lucas did helm the first one which was a cinematic phenom, and he also helmed the classic ‘American Graffitti”. Your comments, however, are not unwarranted. because with the exception of ‘Sith’, Lucas wasn’t as good as he once was. I’m not saying I hated Phantom or Clones, far from it. What I mean is I hear where you’re coming from.

    As for Ford as Indy. I wouldn’t mind seeing an ‘older’ Indy, but again, I do agree. I don’t think there will be another, it would have been done ages ago. I would accept either a recasting or the role filled by Sean Patrick Thomas.

    – My name isn’t Gold Steven, Silver Steven or Green Steven. Not even Steven Sealer or Sealer Steven.

  13. Black Steven every scene in the prequels has the camera locked down, even dialogue scenes. He does not know how to use angles, slow pans, or cuts to heighten the moment. Very unimaginative or static shots.

    The Prestige does look amazing.

  14. Thanks for another great podcast, guys. You have enlivened the unholy terror that is Saturday Overtime no end.

    Also,congratulations on finding Kate Hudson attractive, John. According to Nord, that means you are definitely not gay. Well done to you, sir!

    Thanks again. Sorry for cluttering up the place with all the damn posts.

  15. I take issue on the Lucas thing.

    His problem isn’t that he can’t direct – it’s that he can’t write. He’s an imaginative guy who comes up with great ideas, but he has no clue how to marshall those ideas into a decent screenplay. His best work (American Graffiti, Empire, Raiders) has been when he writes the story and then hands it over to someone else to wrangle into script form (where would he be without Laurence Kasdan?). All this stuff about him not being able to direct actors is garbage – he’s never been able to do that, and it didn’t hurt his seventies films. Woody Allen, for example, is famous for giving very little instruction to his actors – and he always gets great performances out of them. Why? Because what he does do is give them good scripts to work with.

    I don’t want to defend the guy too much, because the prequels suck, but the ‘bad director’ tag has become attached to Lucas and I don’t completely understand how. Could anyone provide an example of Lucas’s poor directorial choices (as opposed to poor script or casting or editing choices)?

  16. No way on earth is Halo a bigger videogame brand name than Tomb Raider. Everyone knew who Lara Croft was, gamers or otherwise. THAT was the big shot at taking games to the next level, and all it produced was two horrible films. Does anyone outside of the gaming community even care about a Halo film? Even if you got John Woo to do it (and he might – I heard he was considering a Metroid film for a while), the best it can hope for is to be on a par with ‘Doom’, which is to say on a par with garbage.

    Hello to all from Black Steven of England. Arrrrr!

  17. Wesley Snipes is a bit of an underachiever, I think. He’s a really good dramatic actor (Jungle Fever, The Waterdance) and he’s one of the only western actors who can actually do his own stuff (as opposed to the Matrix/Kill Bill method of actors learning to mimic martial arts), and yet he’s not in enough good films. It’s a shame someone so talented puts out so much crap. I’m not sure ‘Gallowwalker’ will turn the tide, either. When I hear that the villan is called Fabulos, I picture him flicking a feather boa around his neck and sashaying out of the room. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

    P.S. I see there’s another Steven above. Hello, Red Steven. I guess that makes me Black Steven, which is much cooler. It’s also a better pirate name than fucking Buccaneer George.

  18. Grundy, that isn’t Bale’s natural accent. Yes, he is British, and he does have an accent, but it sounds nothing like the one we see in the trailer. I don’t know very much about accents and where they come from, but Bale’s accent seemed a lot stronger and less soft. I’ve heard him speak in interviews, and I think he’s doing another accent, just another European one.

  19. hey guys great audio audition as always by the way i was just wondering what Doug thinks of the new Pathfinder poster with a giant 8 foot barbarian and a whats his name fighting in a swamp of skulls

  20. on a side note, concerning Disney in a roudabout way, (well, really concerning M. Night but still possibly another good thing for Disney)AICN has an early review up for Lady in the Water and MAN does this guy go out of his way to say – SPOILER – this movie sucks – SPOILER –
    “A diarrhea splat of storytelling” is one of the more choice phrases he use to describe it.

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