The Jetsons Movie

jetsons movieWell if they did a Flintstones movie (which I think they should take another shot at) then why not do one for “The Jetsons“! Ummm… yeah.

Well that is the news today. A live action version of the old cartoon show The Jetsons is in the production line for Warner Brothers at the moment. As a matter of fact they’ve already hired a . and a screenwriter for the project. The good folks over at Cinema Confidential give us the following:

The project has been in development for many years but the hiring of De Line and Goldberg may mean that the project is finally moving forward.

I don’t know about this. The Jetsons were always a poor mans Flintstones as it is. Yeah it was cute, but it lacked the charm of the Flinstsontes and always came across more cheesy. It was fun as a kid… but I personally don’t really have much desire to see a live action adaptation of it. Maybe it’s just me.

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8 thoughts on “The Jetsons Movie

  1. I thought the Jetsons were the Flintstones…er’ in the future?

    Them jeters sure have a pretty dimension tho.
    I hear Syd Mead did conceptual art for the new film.

    Might look nice anyway.

  2. The Flinstones was great, and it took place in a canny prehistoric era, and I would really like to see the canny futuristic world of “The Jetsons” live-action. Josh Hutcherson(Zathura) should play Elroy. Elizabeth Perkins should play Jane; Hank Azaria should play George; and one of the Olsen twins should be Judy. I personally thought “The Jetsons” were more interesting than “The Flinstones”.

  3. Will Ferrell as George Jetson
    Danny DeVito as Mr. Spaceley
    Rosie O’Donnell as Jane Jetson
    Lindsey Lohan as Judy Jetson
    and a CGI Astro.

    I think I’ll stay home.

  4. but just for record, Al, (chuckle ) George, Jane, Judy, Astro, Elroy, Rosie, Mr. Spaceley, Cogswell ( owner of coggswell coggs…)

    the show HAD charm…but it was buried deeeeep in clichet and cheeeeeese.

    I remember watching it a bit.

  5. wouldnt it be funny, though, if they got this one right, better than the flintstones movie, and suddenly everyone came out of the woodworks to say “wow…I’ve always been a Jetsons fan!!! they ROCK!!”

    -note, i’m totally agreeing with you guys. Noone ever DID care about the Jetsons. But it really would be great to see this film if it WAS done well…

  6. hey, quick. name even one of the characters from the jetsons. (go ahead, i’ll wait)

    i don’t think most can. everybody knows fred and barney, betty, bam-bam. who knows the jetsons? where did that guy work? what was the name of the city they lived in?

    there’s lots of good reasons this one sat on a shelf for years

  7. john

    yeah, really. look at the response this thread has gotten. i don’t get it. does anybody care? want to know the truth? i never, not once, saw more than five minutes in a row of the jetsons. couldn’t take it. cheese fest. the flintstones – now, that was compelling by comparison. i just had to know how fred was going to get out of the fix he created for himself. how was barney going to try to help but only succeed in complicating things? would betty forgive fred? you know she would. that’s what made her such a hot babe – she always took her man back at the end of the day (no matter what a schlep he made out of himself). what more could you ask for?

    (and did i see the flintstones movie? hell no. how about on disc? are you kidding? like i don’t have something better to do with twenty bucks and two hours [insert prostitute joke here]).

    so, why would i go see the jetsons (live ‘hurt your eyes to watch it, garish lighting, caked-on makeup, soundstage fake boulders everywhere’ action) movie? like, dude, like, man, like, i just don’t see it happening.

    the talent attached is top-drawer, to be sure, but i can’t help but feel this is the beginning of an embarrassing episode in a lot of careers.

    ps – do hollywood execs check these boards? they should.

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