Gary Oldman Signs for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Sirius Black OldmanI can’t believe this one was actually in question for a while… but it was. For a period of time is looked like the producers of the Harry Potter films weren’t going to bring back Gary Oldman for the role of Sirius Black in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. But today a deal got done, and Oldman will indeed be back in Black.

The good folks over at Dark Horizons had this to say:

The news ends months-long confusion and speculation about the role as Warners has remained surprisingly quiet on the whole issue of Oldman returning to the role despite very vocal and public commentary from fans to Oldman’s manager himself.

“I’m so relieved and happy. I can’t put my mind in the place of the producers, but I would’ve thought that when they read the book, a call to us would’ve been very high on their list. Obviously, the character of Sirius Black is key”

Personally I haven’t read the book, so I can comment on how big of a role Sirius is supposed to have in the story.. .but when you’ve got an actor of the calibre of Gary Oldman on your project… YOU KEEP HIM. I’m shocked this deal wasn’t done months ago to lock him up. They’re lucky he didn’t just decide to walk away from it.

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5 thoughts on “Gary Oldman Signs for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

  1. Sirius is a huge part of the next chapter in the Potter series, so it’s fantastic the producers got off their asses and signed Gary up. I’ve only ever seen Gary as Sirius Black even before he was cast as the character.

  2. I’ve always thought that Oldman was the perfect Sirius. I can’t think of any other (British) actor who could have played the role. I can’t believe that they actually considered not signing him up. Are they out of their minds???

    Yes, Sirius is extremely important in Book 5.

  3. Sirius Black is integral to “Order of the Phoenix” and getting Oldman back is great news to Potter-philes like myself. I can’t believe there was any question of him coming back. I’m with John, you get Gary Oldman, you keep him.

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