Warner Bros. Seriously Considering John Hamm as Superman?

Like promised, the rumor mill is spinning like crazy as to who will be the next Superman. We all know the script is written (Nolan/Goyer), but we’ve still haven’t gotten any confirmation or real news about the future film. We’ve heard that Brandon Routh would love to come back. We’ve heard that Chuck’s Zachary Levi was being considered for the role (rumor already shot down). So, today we’ve got news that WB Bros. is seriously considering Jon Hamm.

ScreenRant reports:

According to our friends at Think Mcfly Think, one candidate for the gig is fan-favorite Jon Hamm of Mad Men fame.

TMT’s source claims that Warner Bros. has “seriously considered” Hamm for the role but the actor is 39 years of age, a tough sell if they want to make a franchise out of this (which they do).

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