Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

More Pirates

My my, who saw this coming? There’s about a billion reasons, according to the worldwide box office stats, as to why they should continue churning these out and it looks like that’s might just be more than enough. Today we ...

RUMOR: Transformers want Jason Statham

Michael Bay and Shia LeBeouf are DONE with the Transformers franchise. Seems like they’ve got their eyes set in other directions and currently don’t intend to revisit this franchise ever again. For reals. So, what’s an Autobot to do? Well, ...

Marvel Made 2 Movie Shorts

Marvel is trying to expand. The day’s of a troubled Chapter 13 Marvel are long gone and the company has been in burgeoning business of expanding their film empire and exploiting the plethora of characters that they’ve produced over the ...

RZA joins G.I. Joe: Cobra Strikes

The RZA is busy working on his directorial debut with Russell Crowe with input from Quentin Tarantino. Sounds good. RZA is also busy working on his upcoming role in the sequel to 2009’s G.I. Joe movie starring Channing Tatum and ...