GI Joe will have Ninja’s. LOTS of Ninja’s.

Well, the title says it all. Ninja’s are definitely in the mix when next we catch up with Duke and the rest of the Joe’s. And then there’s the Rock. That guy is becoming increasingly popular as of late, no small part to Fast 5 and they plan to include his character in a big big way.    

Source: Geek Tyrant 

The first is that Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is set to play Roadblock in the movie, saying that it’s “full-on lead role… In a way, he and Snake Eyes, their stories are really dynamic and very important.”     The second major point he made was that there is going to be a tremendous amount of ninja going on in the film saying that, “The ninja fans are going to love it. There’s a tremendous amount of it. What’s interesting is, we both have that going on in the Snake Eyes story, but we’ve found a way to bring that element into the Joes’ story. I think anybody who’s a fan of dark, in the middle of the night [action with] a dangerous foe arriving, this is a movie for you.”

Ninja’s eh? No matter how much I try I just can’t seem to ever dislike the idea of adding Ninja’s to a movie. They make EVERYTHING instantly more entertaining and I look forward to seeing what’s in store for us when it comes time to sit down and watch all the “in the dark” action. Yes, my friends this is worth the ‘radar’ status.  –Share Via GO SMS

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