Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

NEW Puss in Boots trailer

Another trailer for the Puss in Boots spinoff movie is making the rounds today. It shows a bit more footage than we’ve seen before showcasing a bit more of the actual plot of the movie. Video: 'Puss in Boots' movie ...

Look at Russel Crowe as Jor-El

I’m a big fan of Russelle Crowe and was pleasantly surprised when he had been cast as Superman’s biological Kryptonian dad Jor-El. I had wondered how Z. Snyder’s rendition of the character would be portrayed and today we get a ...

Arrested Development movie CONFIRMED

There have been a lot of grumblings about a rumored Arrested Development movie for years, and things started picking up more steam within the last few weeks with Batemen letting the cat out of the bag that talks progressed a ...

Diego Klattenhood joins Pacific Rim

Guillermo Del Toro is hard at work on finally releasing a feature film and today we learn that another addition to the cast has been revealed but in an unspecified role. Source: Script to Screen “Homeland” star Diego Klattenhoof will ...

New OFFICIAL Avengers photos

Now here’s something you don’t see everyday, Official promo photo’s of the cast of the Avengers. I guess the torrent of fan captured photo’s isn’t enough viral marketing and they decided to further put fans in a frenzy by offering ...

Woody Harrelson Joins “Now you see me”

Woody Harrelson gets my attention in anything he works on. Him re-teaming with Jesse Eisenberg, his Zombieland co-star, is a welcome surprise as well and the movie… man, read this for yourself: Source: Rama’s Screan The story is about an ...

And the new Bond Girl is…

Bérénice Marlohe has been named… no, chosen as the latest woman to star alongside Daniel Craig when filming begins on the new James Bond movie currently rumored to be carrying the title “Carte Blanche”. Source: Geek Tyrant James Bond has ...

Tom Hiddleston talks Avengers… Again

Tom Hiddleston is really digging his role as Loki as he’s never been one to bite his tongue whenever quizzed on his character, plot, or developments of the films that he’s in as the master of mischief. Today I found ...

Mortal Kombat getting movie reboot

Remember those Mortal Kombat webisodes that were all the rage over the summer? Well, thanks to their success it looks like the movie franchise will be brought back thanks to the success of the popular web series. Source: Filmonic The ...