Movie Features

Robert Downey Jr. As Dr. Doom: It’s Already Happened In The Comics. Kind Of. 

The biggest news out of San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) 2024 is the casting of Robert Downey Jr. as Dr. Doom. The internet went wild and fans are forever debating whether the casting is a desperate move by Marvel Studios, or the most brilliant thing to ever happen. While the reaction has been mostly positive, there is a section of fans who either hate RDJ as Dr. Doom or are at best, concerned about the choice. But it’s important to note that a variation of this idea has happened in the comic books. Read on to find out more. 

What The SDCC Comic-Con Announcement Means

RDJ as Dr. Doom SDCC.

Image via SDCC 2024

So let’s first clarify the SDCC 2024 announcement of RDJ as Dr. Doom in its entirety. The now-confirmed directors of the next Avengers films, the Russo Brothers, came out on stage at Hall H and introduced Robert Downey Jr, as the villain of those movies. They went on to say that Downey Jr. will play, Victor Von Doom. Not just a character called Dr. Doom, but a character named Von Doom himself, who becomes the original Dr. Doom. 

That announcement and subsequent social media accounts confirm this as well, meaning that Downey Jr. is not playing a variation of Tony Stark who becomes Dr. Doom, as many fans are pointing out. Instead, the Iron Man actor is actually playing the original comic book character, Victor Von Doom, totally separate from Tony Stark. But as a colleague of mine pointed out, the infinite multiverse concept means that this is entirely possible. Similar to how it is now canon, that Chris Evans plays two separate Marvel characters in the Human Torch and Captain America. So Tony Stark and Victor Von Doom could look exactly the same, without being connected to one another. If that is actually what happens in the next Avengers movie, is something we’ll have to wait to find out. 

How This Comic Book Story Could Make RDJ As Dr. Doom More Believable

RDJ as Dr. Doom comics.

Image via Marvel Comics

In 2010, a What If! comic book explored what would happen if Tony Stark and Victor Von Doom swapped minds. The story occurs when both men are in college. However, Tony, now in Victor’s body ends up deported back to Latveria, where he has to struggle in poverty and use his brilliant mind to try to bring himself up. While conversely, Von Doom’s mind is in Stark’s body, taking advantage of all the wealth and privilege that comes with it. 

The story explores different circumstances and how one’s environment affects a person’s destiny. Taking two characters that audiences knew to be on opposite sides of the moral divide, and making them switch places to see if they turn out the same or different. It’s a deep dive into how both a hero’s and villain’s external environment plays a hand in their becoming one or the other. 

Marvel Studios Adaptations Vary From The Comics

RDJ as Dr. Doom Victor.

Image via Marvel Comics

While I’m pretty sure the MCU isn’t going to hang its next Avengers plot on a Freaky Friday premise, they could easily adapt aspects of this story. Civil War in the MCU looks nothing like the comics, but in essence, still works. Similarly, while I don’t think this What If? story will be adapted exactly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this Dr. Doom’s outfit is more Iron Man-esque than Doom’s. Or some visuals transferring over as a cool Easter Egg. Until then, as far as we know right now, RDJ as Dr. Doom is what’s coming to theatres in the next Avengers movies. 

Avengers: Doomsday releases on May 1, 2026 in theatres.

What did you think of RDJ as Dr. Doom? Let me know in the comments below or on X (formerly Twitter) at @theshahshahid. 

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