
Trailer: Underworld Bloodwars

Attached you will find the new trailer for the film Underworld: Bloodwars.

You will find that there’s a significant amount of re-used footage from previous films that appear within this trailer.

You will notice that Kate Beckinsale is, in fact, ageless.

Lastly, it will not be reflected poorly on you if you find this trailer both boring and uninspiring. The re-use of footage and lack of just about anything to drive interest in this film, (unless you are a fan of the series), to this other than the promise of Vampires fighting… Vampires. Any maybe Lycans too. And maybe there will be an appearance by a human being or two in this film as well. We will investigate further and report our findings at our earliest opportunity.

Thank you for your attention to this post.

Best regards,

Anthony Whyte

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