Movie News Chat

First Photo: Schwarzenegger and Stallone in The Tomb

I love how Governator is hamming it up with all the other 80’s guys, and guys like them, for his come back to cinema. With all the photos and work that he’s done since leaving public office you’d think that we’d be overwhelmed with America’s favorite Austrian but be that as it may we’re only going to begin to see the fruit of his labor this Friady with his participation in The Expendables 2 alongside his “The Tomb” co-star, Sly. We have our first official shot of the duo in their other film now and gives us more insight into their apperance.


It’s an interesting look and I don’t mind that these guys seem to be trying to play characters 20 years younger than they really are, but I wonder how much this film will differ from 1993 Christopher Lambert film “Fortress”. Fortress popped into my mind immediately when learning about The Tomb which isn’t necesarily a bad thing as I enjoyed that film as much as I could when I was 10 and wouldn’t mind a modern-day retelling. That’s all for now…

Via: Live For Films

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