Trailer: In Time

In Time stars Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy and Olivia Wilde.

In time is set in the near future.  People don’t age past 25 and must work to buy themselves more time.  When a  young man finds himself with more time than he can imagine he must run from the corrupt police to save his life.

Credits go out to /Film for the embedded trailer.

I’m sold on everything in this trailer except for Justin Timberlake.  I don’t dislike the guy but I don’t buy the whole tough-guy image he’s putting on.  Maybe he can pull it off but from what I’ve seen I have my doubts.

Something that does give me high hopes for this movie is the director Andrew Niccol.  He’s written and directed Lord of War and Gattaca, and also written The Terminal and Truman Show: all 4 movies I very much enjoyed.

Does this trailer get you guys excited and what are your thoughts on Justin Timberlake as the leading man?

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