John Cho joins Total Recall

I haven’t seen John Cho in film since 2009’s Star Trek release, but I enjoy his on screen presence so I was pleasantly surprised to discover that he’s the latest addition to the upcoming Total Recall remake as someone who messes with your memories.

Source: JoBlo

The TOTAL RECALL remake has assembled an impressive cast – Colin Farrell, Bryan Cranston, Jessica Biel, Kate Beckinsale, Ethan Hawke and Bill Nighy – even as the film itself sounds less than impressive. But yet another actor we like and respect has joined the ever-expanding cast in a familiar role. John Cho has signed on to RECALL as McClane, the sales agent who convinces Douglas Quaid to sign up for the Rekall program.

Ray Baker played the role in the original film, though it’s mostly a small part. It’s unclear if Cho’s role will be beefed up for the sequel.

Sounds interesting, and I do think the cast that they’ve managed to assemble is recognizably impressive. I’m actually beginning to look forward to this movie as it certainly does have the potential to be a fun film.

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